Immerse to get a feel for my work

Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

When the world goes left, go right ….

When the world goes left, go right ….

I’ve been thinking how to best contribute to you, given the current times, without contributing to the noice and expert status that everyone has overnight turned into.

My top three strengths are 1. Intellection 2. Input 3. Learner , it may sound impressive but I assure you it can be very difficult to conceptualise my current thinking in times like these. In fact, I would say these strengths, mean I actually find I have less to say.

When the world goes left, go right ….

I’ve been thinking how to best contribute to you, given the current times, without contributing to the noice and expert status that everyone has overnight turned into.

My top three strengths are 1. Intellection 2. Input 3. Learner , it may sound impressive but I assure you it can be very difficult to conceptualise my current thinking in times like these. In fact, I would say these strengths, mean I actually find I have less to say.

I don’t pretend to know the answers to what is the best course of action during times like these. 

I have some thoughts … ones I have pondered, analysed and scrutinised as I sit back and watch and learn from the happenings around me.

What I can do is share with you are my own feelings and thoughts in hope they may help or provide comfort in some small way.  I don’t under appreciate the enormity of difficulties this time brings to many - whether it is health related - for those at high risk,  the economical impact this will have globally, the financial constraints this causes in salaries, budgets, or the emotional turmoil and uncertainly many are feeling. 

Like you, we will personally be affected by one or more of the above, so I am with you, in all the feels. 

But I’ve been contemplating the below and it’s how I am going to get through this….

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When the world goes left, may you consider going right?

When there is fear, find peace

Anxiety creeping in? You’re not alone friend. There’s a global level of anxiety. Even if you are ok, it’s likely you’re picking up on other peoples vibe.

To find peace -

  • Unfollow social media accounts that are contributing to this. You get to decide what comes in via social media. Is it time to do a tidy up? I try keep who I am following to under 200, ideally 100.

  • Create boundaries around your social media time, it’s a vortex.

  • Only read news to stay informed and then get off (limit to reputable sources)

  • Get outside in nature.  I actually feel like M.Nature is recovering while the chaos unfolds. Today I saw a fleet of butterflies, swarming the sky. Find comfort in the fresh air we have to breathe in, the sunlight on our skin, and the beauty that is all around us 

  • Be present with your children and loved ones. Those closest to you will be picking up on your energy so be very careful to spread peace not fear

  • Music + oils - sensory inputs elicit physiological changes. You can literally change your state, in an instant this way. 

  • My oils of choice at the moment: Adaptiv, Peace (the reassuring blend), Consoles (the comforting blend), Frankincense, Wild Orange, Bergamot, Easy Air, OnGuard, Eucalyptus.

  • You can WATCH THIS VIDEO for way to support your immune system.

  • Immerse yourself in a project/hobby/book that you’ve been wanting to do/create but haven’t had time. 

  • Share your gifts with others

When there is uncertainty , find trust

No-one is coming to save us. Not even if a vaccine gets pushed to market. Vaccines take years to develop and they should. Do we really want fear driving a quick injectable? Those things take time, let’s give it the due time to ensure safety. 

To find trust -

  • What can I do to build health in my body? When you trust in your own body, because you know you’ve been doing the work daily, not just in a pandemic, you build trust within yourself (WATCH THIS VIDEO)

  • What have I been neglecting that right now feels like the time to start taking actioning? 

  • Seek empowered knowledge and suggestions from those  “living” the example

  • Perspective is everything. You can shift it in any moment. 

  • Have we survived hard times before? Are there people far worse off than us currently? Do hard times build strength and resiliency? 

  • How can I use this time of hardship to shape how I choose to move into the future? What do I need to let go of or add in right now?

  • Go outside and look up … there is always bigger picture at play.

When there is selfishness, find kindness

Operating from a place of scarcity brings more lack into your life and robs you of joy. If* you run out of toilet paper or food for a week would you die? Seriously, would you? If you had to walk next door and ask for a roll or a can, you better hope your neighbour is feeling kind and not selfish.

To find kindness:

  • Give more. 

  • This can be in the form of a smile, a helping hand, an active listening ear, a hand spritz. Speaking of which to make: Add 3 Tbsp rubbing alcohol, 1 Tbsp fractionated coconut oil, 20 drops of OnGuard essential oil blend into a 30ml spray bottle.

  • Be patient with others, most people are doing their very best.

  • Show appreciation to others.

  • Especially those showing up for you. eg. Your local cafe, health professionals, teachers, staff, businesses, anyone doing their bit to ease the burden - send them a message of appreciation, trust me when I say, you remember “those” people!

When there is isolation, find connection

Whilst we are being told to keep our distance from others, that doesn’t mean we cannot connect on a deeper level. This may be with yourself, with your family, and with nature. You may also find connection in your local or online community.

To find connection:

  • Go for a family hike or walk 

  • Play some old board games

  • Create magic together in the kitchen 

  • Watch a family movie 

  • Lean into your community - post, comment, share, contribute, ask for help

  • Pick up the phone (grateful for FaceTime) and have a chat to a friend or family member 

When there is noise, find quiet

Right now, it feels very noisey. Seek out the quiet places and people that bring more calm into your life.

To find quiet:

  • Support local businesses (chances are you are the only one in the coffee shop?), in person, online, by ordering take away, or promoting their services. 

  • Go to nature, she’s offering so much bliss right now

  • Take a nap 

  • Ponder, wonder, around the house and garden. 

  • It is in the quiet times that you will find the solutions you need to evolve through this

When there is dis-ease, find ease

What if the healthy option was the easy option? What if eating real, whole foods, was easy? What if moving your body the way it was deigned to be moved, was easy? What if resting and restoring, was easy? What if caring for yourself the way you care for others, was easy. What is low-tox living was easy?

To find ease:

  • Nourish with whole-foods. Pop it all in a slow cooker. Recreate your Nan’s/Mum’s iconic meals. Flip through some recipe books or google. Execute. Everyone starts somewhere. 

  • Move your body daily. Go for a walk after work. Join a gym. Get an online coach. Your body is a vehicle, a vessel, designed to create motion, through you. When you neglect this design it creates “dis-ease”

  • Need a nap, have one. Go to bed early. Wake up later. 

  • Book a massage, hit the sauna, make a foot soak (1/4 baking soda, 1/2 cup od Mg salts, 3 drops each Thyme, Patchouli & Peppermint), pop on a mud mask, have a bath. 

  • Spend some time refining your processes, automate, delegate, clean up. 

  • Life is meant to be lived fully without restriction, so move through the discomfort as on the other side awaits, the ease and freedom you desire

We are all experiencing some major global shake ups. Like it or not, this has gotten our attention, one way or another.

Right now, we all have a choice how we will evolve, moving forward.

What we do individually affects the whole, you may not feel like it does, but we would be totally remiss to think that our actions do not influence those around us, our planet and the much bigger ecosystem that provides for us. 

Choose where you spend your time wisely friends, now more than ever, be kind to those around you, stay curious and hopeful for what’s to come.

Together, we may just rise out stronger.

Much love,

Chantel xx

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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

Vanilla, Coconut + Lavender Panna Cotta

FIVE ingredients is all it takes. ⠀

I’m hoping in the midst of others stockpiling on toilet paper, you got down the aisle, to stock up on the sustaining stuff, cue can of 400ml Ayam full fat coconut milk #1.⠀


Coconut + Vanilla + Lavender

A little pot of heavenly delight.⠀

FIVE ingredients is all it takes. ⠀

I’m hoping in the midst of others stockpiling on toilet paper, you got down the aisle, to stock up on the sustaining stuff, cue can of 400ml Ayam full fat coconut milk #1.⠀

Then, head to the pantry. ⠀

You’ll need 1/2 tsp vanilla powder #2 (the real stuff, not the essence) + 2 Tbsp raw local honey #3 + 1/2 Tbsp of your fav brand of gut loving grass-fed gelatin #4 (again, the real deal, the stuff that nourishes your hair, skin, nails, joints, gut lining). Yeah that one, not the gel-o, that you’re served up in hospital.⠀

Then, onto the fifth & final ingredient. The thing* that elevates this Panacotta to new heights - the Lavender EO #5.

But wait, it can’t be just any Lavender EO, no friends, it’s not all created equal. This lavender, the stuff, good enough to eat, has a number on the bottom of the bottle - 1909815D - in my case. ⠀

This is the number, you prob won’t find on other essential oil companies bottles.⠀

Now type it in at and up pops the Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) report from the Aromatic Plant Research Centre (third party). ⠀

Here you will assured that no contaminants or adulteration has occurred (experts estimate that 80% of commercially available “pure” essential oils are adulterated in some way) & as equally, you’ll see the breakdown of the chemical constituents. After all, it’s these plant constituents that give rise to the oils properties. ⠀

In this case, you’ll note the two highest constituents are linalool and linalyl acetate (grown by M.Nature herself in France/Bulgaria in this case). Many of Lavender‘s incredible soothing, relaxing, calming properties are because of these two. ⠀

Turns out, not only does she relieve stress like a boss, help induce a dream-like state & nourish & calm skin, she also tastes amazing, esp. with vanilla bean + coconut. 

Ready To make …

Pop #1, 2, 3, 4 into a pot over medium heat, blend with a stick blender, then remove from heat and let it settle a little. Then add 4-5 drops of @doterraaunz Lavender, pour into little dishes and refrigerate until wobbly. ⠀

Then. savour. each. bite.

Love, Chantel xxx

  • To learn more about doTERRA Lavender and how I use it CLICK HERE.

  • To purchase doTERRA essential oils at wholesale price with my ongoing support and education CLICK HERE. ⠀

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Gut health Chantel Hutnan Gut health Chantel Hutnan

My powerful gummies for glowing skin, resilient gut & fighting cravings

These little beauties came from a complete lack of excitement when I opened our fridge last week. When you aren’t satisfied, create the solution yourself. So relevant for life and when you open the fridge to find a whole lot of nothing.⠀

Beyond giving you something to chew on and being cute they provide quite the little nutrition boost.

These little beauties came from a complete lack of excitement when I opened our fridge last week. When you aren’t satisfied, create the solution yourself. So relevant for life and when you open the fridge to find a whole lot of nothing.⠀

Beyond giving you something to chew on and being cute they provide quite the little nutrition boost.


Blueberries are both delicious and nutritious. Rich in flavonoids that support cognitive & neuronal health, proanthocyanides that have been shown to have anti-carcinogen properties, chlorogenic acids that have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and flavonols which are cardio-protective.⠀

If that wasn’t enough, they contain polyphenols , a type of antioxidant that have been shown to have a prebiotic effect (feeding your good bacteria in your gut) and are metabolised by phase 2 enzymes and the gut bacteria to produce numerous beneficial metabolites which you can then absorb in your body. ⠀


In it’s natural form (not the artificially coloured and sugar laden “I love aeroplane jelly” variety), is an excellent addition for healthy hair, skin, nails, joints, bones, skin, gut and even sleep. You see gelatin comes from collagen, the most abundant protein in our body. Just as it holds your desserts and gummies together nice and firm, it also holds your tissues together, to provide a nice sturdy yet flexible structure.

Traditionally we got a lot more gelatin than we do today. This is because we ate nose to tail, meaning we consumed “all the bits” of the animal not just the muscle meat (which isn’t rich in gelatin). We need the skin, joints, ligaments and other collagenous parts which generally take much longer to cook and need to be simmered down. So a high quality grass fed, pastured raised gelatin powder that is derived from the skin, the connective tissue and/or bones of animals can be a way to get this important proeitn into the body.

There are plenty of great brands out there these days. I used @nutraorganics. I have also used Great Lakes Gelatin Powder for years.



A creamy, rich, healthy fat, to keep you feeling satiated and supports blood sugar control and healthy hormones.


Not all sugar is created equal. Refined sugars such as table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS): do cause weight gain and bring on all the metabolic and cardiovascular issues that come with excess kilograms as well as lead to problems in the digestive tract. Raw honey, straight from the beehive (find a local honey provider) is a wonderful natural sweetener that provides enzymes and other proteins, trace minerals, and polyphenols that make it health promoting, making it a perfect choice to add some sweetness to make this gummy enjoyable without the need for added refined sugar.


This is doTERRA metabolic blend. It’s an incredible combination of oils that will have a positive impact on blood sugar (cinnamon), digestive support (peppermint, ginger, lemon), and cleansing and detoxification (lemon, grapefruit). dōTERRA essential oils for food flavouring meet the requirements of the Australia and New Zealand Food Standards Code for food additives.

Super Cool huh? Talk about food as medicine.

Ok, The Recipe

What you need:

  • 1 cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen and thawed)

  • 1/3 of a cup of water *leave out and double the coconut milk for a creamier gummy

  • 1/3 of a cup of full fat coconut milk (I still use the AYAM brand)

  • 6 scoops of Nutraorganics Gelatin or 6 Tblsp of Great Lakes Gelatin

  • 3 Tbsp of local, raw, honey

  • 6 drops of Smart and Sassy Blend (or 1/2 Tbsp of lemon juice) * optional

How to make:

  1. Blend blueberries, lemon juice*, water, and coconut milk, until smooth

  2. In a small pot over low heat, add the above mixture and stir in the honey.

  3. Slowly add in the gelatin powder while whisking aggressively to avoid any lumps. It may appear like you don’t have enough liquid until it melts. Keep stirring aggressively through the thickening, it will become liquid again.

  4. Once it returns to a fluid, liquid state, turn off heat. Add drops of Smart and Sassy Blend.

  5. If you're using little cute moulds, you can transfer your blueberry mixture into a container with a spout and carefully pour it into the mould or free hand like mw. Otherwise, just pour it all into an square silicone, glass or nonstick pan.

  6. If you’re desperate to get some excitement in your mouth, transfer this to freezer and let sit for 5-10 minutes, or if you can wait, refrigerate for about 30 minutes.

  7. Remove and pop out your gummies. It’s fun to see their perfect little shape formed. If you used the 8x8 pan, cut your gummies into cubes . Store in the fridge.

  8. Beware they disappear quick.

There you have it guys! Hope the kids love them, too.



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Essential Oils, Health Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils, Health Chantel Hutnan

It's all about the Frankincense!

My whole love affair, of essential oils, started out with just one oil, Frankincense.

I’d come across him and had started reading up on him in Pubmed, after hearing some pretty incredible stories of recovery from certain illnesses, on various integrative channels, at the time (4 years ago now).

After my research I remember thinking, he sounds like a good guy to have around. Fast forward a few months later, I was sniffing him with a friend, asking how much?

My whole love affair, of essential oils, started out with just one oil, Frankincense.

I’d come across him and had started reading up on him in Pubmed, after hearing some pretty incredible stories of recovery from certain illnesses, on various integrative channels, at the time (4 years ago now).

After my research I remember thinking, he sounds like a good guy to have around. Fast forward a few months later, I was sniffing him with a friend, asking how much? For anyone who’s purchased pure Frankincense, you’ll know, he’s not the cheapest guy to have around. But fast forward 4 years laters, and several bottles of Frank later, I’ve come to appreciate, he’s worth every drop! And this month only, he’s FREE.

And he’s super versatile too.

Ok, let me back up, in case a few of you are like, Frank-in-stein, who?

What is Frankincense?


Doterra Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra tree from Oman, Boswellia carterii and frereana trees from Somaliland and Bosweliia papyrifera trees from Ethiopia. Frankincense trees are survivors. They thrive in the harshest climates and are native to Ethiopia, northern Somalia, south-western Oman, and southern Yemen.

Did you know that frankincense was the first worldwide import?

You may remember Frankincense, being one of the gifts, given to baby Jesus, from the three wise men - Frankincense, Myrrh (essential oil, too) and Gold. Frankincense, at the time, considered more valuable than gold, was also used during religious ceremonies for salves for soothing skin and perfume (we’ll see why, soon enough) and for the most scared of practices (again, keep reading).

Just as in its treasured past, Frankincense oil is highly valued in the doTERRA community and continues to be one of the most popular essential oils. It’s sourcing is incredibly unique. doTERRA have disrupted the Frankincense trade and industry with their pursuit for sustainable practices in the harvest of pure Frankincense, that ensure these magnificent ancient trees are cared for and the longterm support of the communities that deliver this raw material to the world.

Still, what is Frankincense, exactly?

Frankincense oil is produced from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree. The resin of a tree is a sap-like substance with a high viscosity. When doTERRA obtains the resin from the trees (trees that have been passed down from father to son for generations), the trees are carefully scored five times (only once per year) or “bled” with precision (allowing for a shallow score) . This emits a large amount of gum, that then hardens into a resin that is harvested two weeks later. The trees should then be rested for 1 year.

From there, the resin is delicately distilled and essential oils are extracted, with all the wonderful pure and potent chemical constituents that make Frankincense a versatile and very precious oil to have in our homes.

doTERRA have just partnered with farmers in Oman, to plant 20 000 baby Frankincense trees in 2020. This is so important for the future of Frankincense as it’s continued supply requires that the harvesters are well educated on how to sustainably harvest so the trees stay healthy. Ashad (doTERRA’s Oman exclusive partner), is the leading authority on this topic. Thankfully the supply of our Frankincense is in good hands.

What makes Frankincense so precious?

It’s his chemistry. He’s a real charmer. With all essential oils, it’s the unique chemical profile of that oil that gives it multiple properties and uses.

Frankincense oil contains a complex mixture of monoterpenes such as alpha-pinene, Limonene, alpha-Thujene, and beta-Pinene.

The unique chemical constituents contribute to Frankincense essential oil’s renewing effects when applied topically and ability to support diverse cells in the body when taken internally.

The monoterpenes also contribute to the aromatic benefits of Frankincense essential oil, including its ability to promote relaxation and a sense of focus.

How I use my Frank (and suggested uses)

  1. In your skin care regime to promote youthful looking skin. Seriously, the best! If this is all you do, you’re welcome! Add 1-2 drops into a Jojoba/Rosehip oil and apply to face and neck, post shower. Simple and effective, and no nasty chemicals.

  2. For wound healing and scar reduction. Add to a carrier oil and apply regularly to the wound.

  3. To sooth red and irritated skin. Studies suggest that it’s the pentacyclic triterpene (steroid-like) structure of frankincense oil that contributes to its soothing effect on irritated skin.

  4. Add 1-2 drops into pure Aloe Vera gel and apply to sunburn immediately (works well with Lavender to calm the skin)

  5. For perineum support for pushing or post labour recovery: 20 drops Helichrysum + 20 drops Frankincense in 30ml of carrier. Gentle massage into perineum during crowning (Essential Midwife Ebook)

  6. For bonding with baby and oxygenation post birth. Apply, diluted (1 drop in 15-30ml of carrier oil) on babies crown and down spine, to support circulation and transfer of oxygen in the cells. (Essential Midwife ebook)

  7. Nails needing some extra love? Simply place a drop of Frank on your nail and rub it around the cuticles and edges of your fingernails to improve health and strenght

  8. Razor bumps / irritation - get the Frank out, 5 drops into fractionated coconut oil and apply.

  9. Achy , stiff joints? Try applying Frank over the affected area to soothe the discomfort (works well with Ice Blue, 10 drops each into 10ml)

  10. Feeling a little chesty or congested, add a few drops of Frank to coconut oil and apply over chest, throat and sinus to soothe, good for little ones too, just use 1 drop into 10-15mls of carrier oil.

  11. Add to immune support blend with OnGuard + Copaiba and apply to soles of feel when feeling run down

  12. Add 2-3 drops into a diffuser to calm overwhelm (blends beautifully with Lavender)

  13. Add 2-3 drops with Lavender to and Epsom salt bath and soak the stress away (perfect this time of year)

  14. Add a drop to your OnGuard toothpaste for oral hygiene

  15. Place 1-2 drops under the tongue for cellular support

  16. Inhale deeply from the bottle for stress and overwhelm

  17. Apply to temples and back of neck during breathing practice

  18. Diffuse with Rosemary + Peppermint for deep focus work and memory support

  19. Diffuse to help support feelings of calm and balance (for all those around you too)

  20. For sleep add 1-2 drops to the diffuser with lavender and apply 1-2 drops to your temples before bed

  21. From and emotional perspective - Frankincense is the Oil of Truth. It may assist in moving through feelings of abandonment, distant from father, unprotected and disconnect from your truth, and can be help to foster feelings of love, enlightenment, protection, and connected to father. Inhale directly from bottle or apply to head, forehead and behind ears.

Favourite diffuser blend with Frankincense

To nourish your brain, nervous system and hormones, make yourself a warming tea and add into the diffuser:

  • 2 drops Frankincense

  • 2 drops Bergamot

  • 2 drops Lavender

Favourite skin loving serum with Frankincense

To nourish, soothe, calm and rejuvenate, add into 30ml, and top up with jojoba/rosehip/FCO and apply to your face post shower:

  • 6 drops Frankincense

  • 3 drops Helichrysum

  • 3 drops Geranium / Lavender

  • 5 drops Sandalwood

There you have it friends, I could keep harping on about my man Frank, but just know, once he enters your life, he’s a hard one to shake.

Thankfully in the month of December, you can receive a bottle (worth $119 retail), for FREE, by simply placing a 200 point value order, in your doTERRA wholesale account. If you need help doing this, simply ask me, I am here to help you, always.

For those who don’t yet have a doTERRA wholesale account and would love to have access to these incredible oils at 25% less retail, my ongoing support and resources for getting the most out of them, and enter a lifestyle and world of health, empowerment and wellness, then head to this LINK or simply contact me at

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Essential Oils, Health, Hormonal health Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils, Health, Hormonal health Chantel Hutnan

The Role of Essential Oils PRESENT DAY and FUTURE

I’ve reflected on this message for some time as it really is the perfect crossroads of my two words. So I thought I would share my perspective of the role of essential oils currently and where I know this to be heading. I actually think it’s really important to acknowledge.

I recently had a fellow pharmacist friend reach out to me via Insta to ask if I had some info and insights about doTERRA ClaryCalm essential oil blend for balancing hormones. She had a lady customer come into the pharmacy and ask her about it, as she had read online it could help “balance” hormones.

I’ve reflected on this message for some time as it really is the perfect crossroads of my two words. So I thought I would share my perspective of the role of essential oils currently and where I know this to be heading. I actually think it’s really important to acknowledge.

Firstly, I really respect this intelligent and caring health professional who wrote this. Look at her wording.... Ultimately, she is reaching out because she cares. Instead of being dismissive, she’s remaining curious and seeking answers, so that she can help.


Health professionals like this, are exactly what we need to shape the future of our healthcare in the right direction!

And doTERRA know this, to be true, too.

Now, perspective! Let’s take a look at the current reality.

I could justify how ClaryCalm, a blend of essential oils, aimed at supporting a woman physically and emotionally during her menstrual cycle, may assist in supporting hormonal balance, based on my own research, experience from customers, reading small sample size human trials with essential oils in this blend, understanding mechanisms of how these particular plant constituents interact in our body to bring about homeostasis, but ultimately right now, that is not the appropriate response for me to take.

Essential oils aren’t regulated by the TGA/FDA, because they fall within the natural health category. Natural health products cannot claim to treat, prevent, cure or mitigate any disease, even if there is scientific research to back it up, because this is the realm of the pharmaceutical industry, which the TGA/FDA does regulate. And we have to respect that (some essential oils are going through TGA approval as I type this).

However, after a five year pharmacy degree I can tell you that the pharmaceutical industry does recognise the power of plants. For the most part, that is how the industry started and exists today (penicillin, aspirin, tamiflu and about another 40% of all prescription medications are derived from plants). We looked to nature and then manufactured a synthetic version, for it to be able to be sold within the model that the pharmaceutical industry exists as today.


Here’s what I know…

Breastmilk, fresh food that grows, light and dark, spring water, plants, humans, animals, all coexist in a world that nature created. Some of us know that there is this intuitive intelligence that exists in all of these things that cannot be truly re- created by mankind. Much of which still cannot be fully understood by science but we know it to be true anyway. I believe that when we focus on being inclusive of that natural realm, our biology tends to self organise in a way that promotes health.

You see nothing in your body works in isolation. When you have a specific target in the body that is needed to bring about a change, you also change other parts within the body. What you do to one part you do to the whole. More times than not, when we focus singularly, in the body, we lose sight of the bigger picture.

Plants, however work differently. When we communicate to the body in the same language that it knows, ie. nature to nature, it creates a synergistic effect (versus mechanistic), allowing recruitment of all body systems to work together, to bring about homeostasis. It seems “woo woo” or “unspecific” or “magically” but what it is, is - intuitive.

So for now I focus on using these gifts of the Earth (Fun Fact: doTERRA, is a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the Earth), to support my body physically, mentally and emotionally in the realm of lifestyle and prevention and supporting body systems back to homeostasis.

But I excitedly look to the future...

This is where doTERRA has shifted their focus a couple of years ago as they knew where and why this had to shift, if they were committed to supporting health outcomes - and so Prime Meridian health clinics were established.


doTERRA has begun to call on all of the doctors that have a respect of nature and a willingness to learn, and be a part of the solution.

Through these health care facilities we will see a a larger body of doctors and patients being educated on the use of essential oils and as a result of their integration you will see a large body of research through human trials growing. Most health practitioners have very little training in plant medicine, particularly with doTERRA essential oils. We need practitioners to have an understanding of pure plant medicine. Because like my friend elicited in this message, at present they have little idea on how the plants work that they can’t advice their patients effectively and safely, when they are asked.

And yes there is a BIG difference between “essential oils” and doTERRA essential oils. doTERRA have set the bar on quality so high, that they are in a unique position to drive this direction and integration, because of their repeated quality. 54 tests in total for every bottle, 43 in house, 11 are done by a third party, oils go from farmer to you without going through brokers, and perfumists, like other essential oils do. You can read more about these processes HERE.

In the last decade, medical publications of essential oil research has increased by 400% . That is going to continue to explode over the next 10 years, because of the work doTERRA is doing.

This is exciting as we look to a future that is not, them or us, but inclusive of both worlds. At the very least, It’s a conversation of options, “let’s try this first, and if it doesn’t work, we’ve still got this to try, too”.

And that friends, is a future I look forward too, as both practitioner and patient!

Love Chantel

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