One to one - an individualised approach

hope, clarity & radiance.

Coming together in a committed union to dive deep into your personal health history, the intricate world within you and craft individualised solutions.

Working together in this way is for the committed, self led woman, who already knows she needs to dig deeper into her health experience (& likely herself) to uncover the areas inhibiting her true radiance & desires.

It’s likely that before landing in the world of my business you’ve resourced yourself with information elsewhere because you are a resourceful, committed woman. You’ve probably implemented aspects of your learnings and it’s helped to degree - but here you are. Ready for the next level.

One of the missing elements in achieving your elevated health experience is individuality.

Your genetic material, your health experience to date, your emotional needs, your microbiome, your hormones, your nutrient requirements, your immune system, your season of life, all form a complex web that inherently shapes the way you show up as you, at this point in time. You’ve adapted exactly and precisely where you are based on all you’ve experienced to date.

Generic recommendations and blanket statements will take you so far, but that final stage of truly getting to know yourself requires a new standard of inquiry, investigation and devotion to self that few are willing to unveil.

This is what we come together to explore - YOU.

This may be the very first time you come in union with another devoted person to uncover your internal health reality. That in itself feels liberating - to express your heart desires and be seen as is, is required for your transformation.

My working history as a Pharmacist & education in a personalised root cause functional medicine approach affords me strong skills in seeing, understanding and knowing where you are at in your health experience via a thorough health history assessment and functional testing when needed, strategising a plan to optimise the function of your inside world, and giving you individualised whole being recommendations.

I do this through an in-depth appreciation of key body systems needed for hormone health and overall health.

They include:

  • Digestion, absorption & gut microbial balance

  • Immune system regulation

  • Nutrients needed to support key functions

  • Blood sugar regulation

  • Detoxification

  • Menstrual cycle and sex hormone harmony

  • Thyroid hormone function

Key hormonal health conditions I work complementary with are:

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Gut dysbiosis / SIBO / IBS eg. bloating, discomfort, diarrhoea, constipation

  • Histamine intolerance

  • PMS and other menstrual cycles issues eg. irregular cycles, heavy bleeding, post pill syndrome

  • Optimising fertility

The tools I use to optimise these areas are nutrition, supplementations, mindset, movement, lifestyle factors & essential oils. This can be alone or as an integrated approach to optimising your health.

That is the practical element of our partnership.

The unspoken more powerful component is the union that forms between us. The only way this works is because we choose to partner together. I can share my knowledge, wisdom, teachings, learning, belief and research with you but you are the implementor, the integrator, the mover. To be her, you have to become the woman needed to bring forth what you desire for you health and life.

That is why I work with a very select type of woman.

I know when she decides, it is her time . She is initiating her desires through investing her time, energy and finances to our partnership. And that tells me that she is ready.

Ready to be truthful, vulnerable in what she needs and wants, ready to do the work for her not because someone else is telling her, ready to have the hard conversations that express her needs and desires for her health and happiness and ready to co-create her health.

This negates the need to converse back and forth about investment, time commitment, she just knows this is it. She equally knows that if this level of ownership / investment isn’t right for her right now, that is also true.

The woman I work with often knows there is more to her story than she has been told. She wants to take a proactive, holistic approach to optimising her current health circumstance and is ready to do just that. She loves knowing the why as this propels her into action. She knows this process didn’t happen overnight so is ready to not waste a minute feeling ordinary.

She craves inner peace and radiance so she can get on with living and loving her life.

It’s an honour for me to form part of your health journey in this way.

Celebrating you on the other side brings me so much joy.

Downland our partnership guide for clarity of our path together —


Book your online initial consultation. You will be asked to invest at this time.

A comprehensive electronic intake form & waiver will land in your inbox upon booking. Please complete this as soon as possible to allow time for me to review.

I will review the intake prior to our initial session so we can dive straight in and reach out to you via email if I require more information.

60 minute video call to connect, share with you my insights into what is happening, where to start and holistic action required.

Within 7 days of our call you will receive written recommendations & a video walking you through them.

If functional testing and/or supplementation is required & agreed upon, I will authorise this electronically.


You have access to me via email and I will check in that way too.

Emails are for support & questions regarding current recommendations not for discussions required in a paid consultation.

Follow up sessions are strongly encouraged so that we can systematically progress.

I will not chase you to re-book your sessions.

Your priority to feel your best is your accountability. I trust you to stay committed to your health journey until you achieve your desired outcome.

Functional testing, interpretation of any testing and supplementation are additional costs.


Initial consultation (6o min live video call with written recommendations) $449

Follow up consultation (45 min live video call with written summary from call) $349

DUTCH Test results interpretation (45 min recorded video interpretation with written recommendations) $399

GI MAP Test results interpretation (45 min recorded video interpretation with written recommendations) $399

Functional Testing Prices

*Dried Urine Total Comprehensive Hormone (DUTCH) Test - urine - $385-$429

*GastroIntestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP) - stool test - $440 (as of 31st March 2023)

* Full Thyroid Panel - blood - $195

(this is not a full list of testing options. Price listed is approximate based on current lab information. All payments for testing are made direct to the lab upon my authorisation)


I take on a limited number of clients at one time. If you would like to apply to work with me, fill out the form below and once of an opening arises you will be the first I reach out too.