Me …


A thirst for knowledge…

A desire to understand the why.

To see the breadth of complexity in our human design and pull on the threads that impact the most.

To appreciate that which we know for sure and that which we don’t.

To contemplate and hold it all in order to decipher that which matters most.

To go to the places that few have time to go. To see it all in order to see you fully.

To lift the proverbial hood and look within to see what has come unstuck.

I crave to understand the why, the mechanism, the how and yet I hold much faith & trust in the wisdom bestowed in each of our innate designs.

When intelligent inputs & body wisdom combine, magic (results) unfold. To see this alchemise as you integrate the learnings is something else.



Full responsibility. One body, one life.

You at the centrepiece of your experience. You as the integrator. You as the spokeswoman for your desires. You as the CEO of your body. When you decide to own it, I will lead you with everything I have.

I will inform, empower and advocate for you like I would myself but I cannot, will not and should not “do the things” for you. I have full trust that the woman you are here to be is one that takes ownership of her health and life. I will see you as her.

I will hold your desires for you and your life as sacred, reminding you why we are doing what we do and I will trust that this is the only accountability you need to do the “work”.

This is the standard I hold for myself, me as the owner of this vessel and conduit for what lives in my heart.



As we journey through the inner workings of your body, I hear the meaning beyond your words, I sense the vulnerabilities that have come to surface, I feel the desires you hold close to your heart and I see you in your greatest.

When you feel safe enough to feel seen, the layers will start to unravel, opening you up to your true potential.

This is the beauty of working together - feeling held and seen so you can bring forth that which you desire for yourself with a sense of deep truth and knowing what it is possible.

I will hold the vision for you, until you feel it too. I will see the greatness in you, even when you don't (yet); I will build the bridge for you to walk across and celebrate you in all you glory for walking it.

I don’t lead with the energy of “I will fix you”, “I have the secret answers”, I am the guru and I am not “loud and audacious”. I don’t claiming ownership over your journey.

The energy of my type of leadership is quiet, subtle & felt. It ripples out and moves you into your own alignment and from that place you own your journey.

I serve to show you the path, am willing to be by your side as you walk it, and celebrate you on the other side. This goes way beyond the superficial and is felt as a heart frequency.

I lead with heart & I lead with you.

It’s the only way I know.



I often get asked what lead me here - in particular what led me to female hormones.

Initially, a big part of my story began as personal one - figuring out my own health issues - gut dysbiosis, hypothalamic adrenal dysfunction, low sex hormones, histamine intolerance as well as the emotional stuff.

The second element was an increasing frustration and in many cases jaw dropping, heart breaking moments of seeing women offered minimal solutions in mainstream health care. Most solutions came in the form of the pill or an antidepressant.

The third element was an inherent desire to welcome (women) back home to their true essence and radiance, which I know is an inside job. When we start peeling back the layers of your own health & optimising areas you are able to send a new message to your body which redirects your resources from of struggle / survival back to a place of thriving & radiance. That is our birthright.

Somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten this.

Women have unique physiological needs based on how we are hardwired hormonally which influences everything to do with our health - including our mood, emotions, our skin, hair, nails, bones, our metabolism, our gut health, our immune system - all the things. We fluctuate over the course of a month and over the course of a lifetime. Knowing that alone means we are going to have to adapt many times over if we desire radiance and thriving.

And I am here for that!

I’ve felt the crippling effects of itchy, flaky skin, random facial swelling & swollen joints, diarrhoea after every meal, feeling fatigued, not recovering from anything strenuous and feeling so uncomfortable in my own skin.

With that also comes feeling helpless and like you may not feel well ever again.

It’s because of that memory / experience that I am relentless in my pursuit to never feel that way again and to never give up on you not feeling that way. To be the example and prioritise that which makes me well, to ensure a new code is set that moves beyond self sacrifice to self honour. I do this so it affords me the ability to do what I love, to show up fully for others and my life and to share this work to help other women move to a new standard of returning home to themselves.



Europeans - especially the one to the right. The Mediterranean. Cheese & chutney.

Tropical islands, beaches, the sun, nature.

Soulful musics, books, businesses & conversations.

Witnessing love & beauty makes my heart sing.

Coffee. It’s the ritual & the taste. It’s a sacred moment in my day.

BE-ing over DO-ing (not great at it but I'm happiest there).


Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

ADAPT Practitioner, Kresser Institute of Functional Medicine and Ancestral Nutrition

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Top 5 strengths are intellect, input, learner, achiever and responsibility. Fun I know!

Also a Capricorn & Generator in HD.


Join me on instagram @chanteljane_

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