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Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan

100 Uses for the Homes Essentials Kit

For most this is the kit that starts “the'“ inevitable love affair that may happen between one and their oils. For those who don’t get started with this kit, eventually you probably want to get each of the oils that we will go through as they are the top 10 oil and oils blends that every home should own.

For most this is the kit that starts “the'“ inevitable love affair that may happen between one and their oils. For those who don’t get started with this kit, eventually you probably want to get each of the oils that we will go through as they are the top 10 oil and oils blends that every home should own.

Here’s why:

Let answer this question with a few personal questions. When I ask the questions I want you to give yourself a score. out of 10. Ten being “hell yess/awesome”. Okay you ready?

  1. Do you have natural options in your home to reach for when you for your loved ones feel unwell? Eg. when your immune system is down and your’e fighting something, hormonal issues, head and neck tension, tummy upset, respiratory support, an energy pick me up?

  2. How is your overall sleep quality? And what about your stress levels? On a scale 1 to 10?

  3. Do you have natural options for those dreaded niggles, aches and pains that pop on for yourself, your hubby or the kids?

  4. How is your toxic load around the home? What’s in your cleaning cupboard? What do you do the window, carpet bathroom and kitchen cleaning with? How about your smelly things - air fresheners, room sprays, scented candles etc? Do they all contain natural, safe and non toxic ingredients?

  5. And lastly, this is not a rating but I want you to actually think - why do you think so many people are looking for natural solutions today?

How did you score? How would you feel if we could move those scores up a little? Would it impact on your health and happiness? In that case, let’s dive in, becasue that is exactly what opting into the Home Essentials Kit and this doTERRA lifestyle is all about.

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A little recap…

The Home Essentials Kit comes with a wonderful nebulising Petal Diffuser and is one the best value-for-money starter kits, that will save you AU$245 off retail price (don’t pay retail folks, that’s just silly). You get 9x 15mL oils + 1 x 5ml (Ice Blue) and each 15mL bottle has 250 drops and 5ml bottles have 85 drops, so they last forever.

OK, so let’s explore the prime time oils in this kit and the multitude of ways to use them:



It has to start with Frankincense. His notable cellular health benefits were the whole reason I got into this world of essential oils, and to this day, he remains my fav. There’s a few things you should know about Frankincense… He is regarded as “The King” of the essential oil world; there is a saying, “if in doubt, use Frank”; Frankincense, Myrrh and Gold were gifted by the three wise men to baby Jesus (so must be good); frankincense is a known “amplifier” meaning he makes other oils work better; frank is gentle and safe from birth up (he’s actually great for bonding).

Here’s some of the ways you can use him (for some reason he is boy):

  1. Add a drop into your skin serum for a youthful glow and to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections and fight of wrinkles.

  2. Add 1-2 drops In the diffuser with Lavender for sleep or stress 

  3. Mix with Vit E/Rosehip oil for scarring, burns, abrasions & to promote skin healing. Can also apply to the nail bed to strengthen nails

  4. Apply to soles of feet or down the spine, onto little people (dilute 2-5 drops in 10ml of carrier) when they are losing their sh$t for no apparent reason

  5. Apply around the ears, jawline, or soles of feet when little ones are battling infection. For big people too, helps the immune system

  6. Apply to the third eye, wrists or temples during spiritual practices (like yoga, prayer, breathing or meditation). Frank emotionally is the oil of truth.

  7. Apply to temples, back on neck for head tension (with Lav/Peppermint/Ice Blue)

  8. Combined with Ice Blue, diluted and applied over creaky joints 

  9. Add to the mix for any skin irritations eg. fungal, eczema, psoriasis type lesions

  10. Sniff slow and deeply from the bottle to calm overwhelm or pop 1 drop under the tongue (with Copaiba works well)



Sweet sweet lavender. Out of all the oils this is one that most people have had some experience. Native to the Mediterranean Lavender is one of the most researched essential oils out there. It’s notable high in Linalool and Linalyl acetate giving rise to it’s “all things calming” properties.

  1. Add 1-2 drops to temples & back of neck and soles of feet for little people for sleep and relaxation

  2. Add 2-3 drops (adults) or 1-2 drops (kids) into a diffuser at night for sleep

  3. Inhale directly from the bottle for stress and overwhelm

  4. Add 1-2 drops to a pump of aloe vera and apply to sunburn

  5. Add 1 drops to face serum and apply to skin for soft, subtle skin. Add with Frank for complexion,

  6. Add with tea tree for fungal/bacertial skin irritation eg. nappy rash

  7. Add with Frank + Helichrysum for scars, stretch marks, burns and healing

  8. For allergies - add 1-2 drops with Peppermint + Lemon in the diffuser or diluted into a carrier oil and apply behind ears and over sinuses (be careful round eye area)

  9. Apply to bug bites or hives

  10. Apply to temples wth Frank + Peppermint for head tension



One of the most versatile oils out there. I’m never without a bottoel of Lemon essential oil. Move over toxic cleaning sprays, you’ve got nothing on the powerhouse properties of lemon EO.

  1. Add 20-30 drops of EO in total, mixed with 1/4 white vinegar + 3/4 water, into a glass spray bottle to make up an epic all purpose surface spray (degreaser, purifying, cleansing). Pimp with OnGuard + Wild Orange + Peppermint!

  2. Add to a cotton ball and wipe over surface to rid dirty finger prints on light switches, to remove sticky adhesive, and other stubborn stains

  3. Drop 3-4 drops into the bottle of the bin to rid odour. I add a cotton ball with a few drops to the bottom of the bin or in the cupboard with the bin

  4. Add 5-10 drops + white vinegar to your sink to Pmake a fruit and vegetable soak

  5. Add 1-2 drops to a glass or stainless steal water bottle to support lymphatitc cleasning

  6. Inhale or apply (diluted) over bridge of nose to relieve runny nose associated with allergies. (combine with Peppermint + Lavender as above)

  7. Diffuse 2-3 drops in the kitchen at night (and morning) after you’ve cleaned the kitchen to leave the space clean and refreshed. (works well with Peppermint)

  8. Add to olive oil, apple cider vinegar to make a zesty salad dressing

  9. Diffuse to uplift mood whenever in need

  10. Inhale for car sickness/morning sickness/nausea (may combine with Peppermint and Ginger)



If I had to choose one oil to take with me on a trip, I’d probably choose Peppermint. He is very multipurpose!

  1. Instant energy boost/pick me up/get me going/clear out your sinuses (and maybe your my nostril hairs, too). Are you ready? Go pop 1 drop into the palm of your hands, rub together, and cup over your nose (protecting your eyes) and inhale three deep breaths. For a gentler approach, sniff directly from bottle.

  2. Head tension - apply 1-2 drops diluted, to the temples, above the ears, and back of neck at the first sign. Can also hold one drop directly to the roof of you mouth

  3. For mental alertness when you’re struggling with focus, diffuser 1-2 drops, whilst working. Blends well with Lemon/Wild Orange/Rosemary

  4. Those pesky hot flashes - try 1 drop to the tip on your ear lobes (yep you read that right), back of neck, and soles of feet, to cool you down

  5. Stiff neck? Neck tension? Muscle tightness? Dilute 1-2 drops into enough carrier oils to cover the affected area and give yourself a massage over the tight area. Helps to ease muscle tension. Use pre- and post workout.

  6. Speaking of workouts -inhalation of peppermint was associated with increased push-up performance and grip strength, so give it a sniff the next time your due to workout.

  7. Gargle a drop with water for an instant breath refresh

  8. Make a spray on Peppermint + Lavender + Frank + Aloe Vera for post sunburn relief (just be careful near your bits, Peppy tingles)

  9. Take 1 drop in water to soothe digestive upset or sniff for nausea

  10. Add to chocolate anything (hot cacao, chocolate-peppermint slice)!

Tea Tree/Melaleuca

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Hails from Australia. Fun fact: when you come for a visit to Byron, we can take you for a swim in a tea tree lake - look brown and gross but will have your skin feeling amazing. The Bundjalung Aboriginal people from the coast of New South Wales would apply the leaves directly to the skin for a cooling effect. Over time, the knowledge of Melaleuca’s numerous benefits spread worldwide, leading up to it's popular use today. Tea tree has amazing antiseptic, antibactreial, antifungal, antiviral properties.

  1. Apply to cuts and wounds to clean and disinfect

  2. Apply diluted to fugally stuff (jock itch, nappy rash, tinea, toenails)

  3. Apply diluted, around the area of concern eg. behind and around the ear for ear discomfort, over the throat for a sore throat, around the eye orbit for styes.

  4. Dab onto cold sore, diluted

  5. Apply to pimples as a spot treatment

  6. Add into your all purpose cleaner

  7. Add to your wash cycle, especially if you have sweaty-betty clothes (gym close, men’s work closes etc)

  8. Apply to soles of feet when fighting infection

  9. Use as a mouth rinse (in coconut oil) for gum issues

  10. This may come in handy - Tea tree is great for removing permanent marker from skin, who knew? Before and after pictures plz!



One word… Powerhouse! This is the one oil that you probably won’t go through anytime soon but when you need it, it’s mighty. Important safety note - oregano is classed as a “hot oil”. These so-named hot oils can give you a burning sensation when used directly onto the skin ie. when they aren’t diluted, or a spicy burning sensation when taken internally. So we always, DILUTE oregano. Click HERE for other hot oils and how to use them safely.

  1. When you are down and out - think flu (including but not limited to man flu), infections, be it viral or bacterial - apply 1-2 drops, diluted in 10ml of carrier oil to the soles of the feet every few hours.

  2. Warts - apply diluted, with Frank, directly onto the wart. Protect surrounding skin and cover. Apply daily.

  3. Fungal nail infections - apply diluted, with tea tree to the nail twice daily

  4. Add 1 drop to flavour bolognese sauce, just ONE drop!

  5. Short term ONLY, immune boost, when down and out: Take 1-2 drops in a Veggie Capsule, with olive oil, for periodic immune support

  6. Mould killer: Mix 3 drops of Oregano with water in a spray bottle and spray it in corners of the shower, sink and other damp and darkened areas. Can combine with OnGuard, Tea tree too, white vinegar

  7. Pop a drop of Oregano and a drop of Basil in your veggie dip or Veggie soap to up the anti! Or, mix them both with olive oil and balsamic vinegar for a savory bread dip!

  8. Add a drop to pizza or pasta sauce

  9. Short term ONLY gastro/intestinal/candida support for getting rid of the funk. I DO NOT RECOMMEND doing this without working with a practitioner. Seek advice.

Make up an immune support blend in prep for winter. Combine 1-2 drops of each Oregano, OnGuard + Frank + Teat Tree into 10ml and apply to soles of feet if needed.

OnGuard (the Protective Blend)

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One of my all time fav blends. Did you know that doTERRA make a whole range of OnGuard products? I’m taking toothpaste, laundry liquid, hand wash, hand sanitiser, cleaner concentrate and handy travel size beadlets. If you’re looking to ward off the lurgies daily exposure to this blend is key (alongside the foundations of good nutrition, sleep, fresh air, etc).

  1. Apply 1-2 drops to the soles of your feet each night before bed

  2. Add 1 drops into manuka honey and add to herbal tea for sore throat/immune support

  3. Apply diluted, directly over a sore throat, every few hours, with tea tree

  4. Gargle with salt water for sore throats

  5. Take with you on the plane and apply to your chest, diluted.

  6. Add 1-2 drops to 1 Tablespoon of coconut oil and swish around your mouth to maintain good oral hygiene

  7. Diffuse 2-3 drops in the diffuser when sniffles are going around

  8. The old cinnamon apple dessert. Add to any apple dish. Even slice some apples, places into a bowel of cool water, and addd 1-2 drops on OnGuard , for a flavour and immune boost treat

  9. Make your won carpet/car seat purifier by adding 10 drops of OnGuard to 1 cup of baking soda. Sprinkle over area and then vacuum up. Works well with Lemon added too.

  10. Add drops to hand wash, washing cycle, fruit and vegetable wash, all purpose cleaner, and mould spray to keep threats at bay.

Easy Air/Breathe (the Respiratory Blend)

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  1. Add 2-3 drops into the diffuser for congestion and cough. It makes the difference between sleep and no sleep.

  2. Add a few drops to the diffuser with Lavender for sleep. Open airways = better sleep PLUS the aromas go beautifully together. I still use this combo and have been for 2 years.

  3. Add 1-2 drops into 10ml of carrier oil and apply to chest, upper back and soles of feet when heavily congested

  4. Apply, diluted, over the sinus areas for sinus issues

  5. Snoring? Not you of course. Apply diluted to chest.

  6. Draw out the snot - fill the bathrroom basin with hot water, add 2-3 drops and inhale deeply. Through your mouth for respiratory support or nose for sinuses. Either way keep eyes closed.

  7. Working in confined spaces? This often leads to stagnant air with no air flow. Whilst in these spaces, free yourself mentally and emotionally by applying or diffusing this blend.

  8. Can be used via inhalation or topically for seasonal allergies

  9. When you feel flat and closed, add a few drops to your hands, rub together, to clear your airways and give you an energy boost

  10. When travelling, add to pillow, with lavender for musky rooms and odd odours to support sleep

DigestZen (the Digestion blend)


Ohh this little gem has saved me and my hubby’s buts (quite literally) a few times now. It’s also the oil that get’s the skeptics converted…

  1. For the relief of bloating and gas - Lie down. Fill your belly button with carrier oil, then add 1-2 drops of Digestzen to belly button, and rub clockwise, spreading the blend over your abdomen. Stay put and take 10 deep breathes allowing your belly to completely relax. Repeat at 15 min intervals if needed (not usually, it’s usually relieved, no joke!)

  2. Take 1 drop into a glass of water for releief of stomach discomfort

  3. Travelling - take this with you. For relief of dreaded gastro or gosh knows what else. It may speed up the process but it certainly helps get sh:T out!

  4. Can take daily, with water to support health digestion

  5. Constipated - rub clockwise as above to stimulate things along

  6. Sinus issues - yep - sounds weird BUT this blend works super well for sinus. Apply diluted over the sinus areas.

  7. Mums with bubs - for colic relief – 1 drop in 15mL of fractionated coconut oil – apply to bubs tummy and soles of feet.

  8. Eating out with foods that you know don’t agree with you? Take it in your purse and apply secretly on the loo if needed. Life saver.

  9. Long car rides? Sniff for car trouble

  10. Stinky onion and garlic breath - Use 1-2 drops in a 1/2 glass of water as a mouth rinse to neutralise.

Ice Blue/Deep Blue (the Athletic blend/the Soothing blend)

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This is the blend that helps get the men over the line. It has the sports rub aroma due to the wintergreen, menthol and peppermint aromas.

  1. Apply 3-4 drops, diluted, to neck and shoulder when you’ve been at the keyboard too long (me after this blog).

  2. Apply 3-4 drops, diluted, over achey, swollen joints/muscles

  3. Use pre and post workout to aid tissues recovery

  4. Apply 1-2 drops to the back of ears and temples for head/neck tension

  5. Apply over the lower abdomen, diluted, for menstrual discomfort

  6. Add 5 drop Ice Blue + 5 drops Frank in 10 ml, and apply daily to affected joints.

  7. Growing pains in kids over 12 years - apply diluted over limbs before bed

  8. Stacked it recently - bruising, swelling, skin missing - apply diluted, directly over the area to help support healing, pain and swelling.

  9. Weekend activities make you realise your not 21 anymore - apply to affected area

  10. Want to justify to hubby why the Home Essential’s Kit is a must-have - mix 3-4 drops of Ice Blue into coconut oil and offer him a back massage!

So there you have it. Natural solutions for all the family’s needs. Here’s to happier and healthier homes.

How to get your dōTERRA products

For details on how to get this kit or any dōTERRA oils, click below or please feel free to email me ( with any questions, or if you’d like to start with a different kit, or your own custom order based on your current concerns, I can help you with this too.

I look forward to supporting you on your oil journey!

Love Chantel x

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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

How to work with your menstrual cycle?

Have you ever wondered why you feel different emotionally, physically and mentally through the month? Well there is good reason you do my female friend. It's your hormones babe. Hormones are suppose to fluctuate. The key to feeling well and respecting your incredible feminine being is to tune in and work with these natural fluctuations rather than against them.  

Have you ever wondered why you feel different emotionally, physically and mentally through the month? Well there is good reason you do my female friend. It's your hormones babe. Hormones are suppose to fluctuate. The key to feeling well and respecting your incredible feminine being is to tune in and work with these natural fluctuations rather than against them.  

Once you have a better understanding of how hormones fluctuate during your cycle, it helps you to make better decisions that align with what your body is needing and telling you in those moments. It also empowers you to accept and honour your body as it goes through these changes. Are you ready to dive in?

Image from Dr. Meagan Stroden, ND @drmegbd

Image from Dr. Meagan Stroden, ND @drmegbd

Note: If you are on hormonal birth control (pill, implant, injection, nuvaring etc) this natural cycle that I am going to speak to is not occurring whilst you are on contraception. That's the whole premise of how contraception like the pill work, they suppress ovulation, and thus suppress your cyclical hormonal rhythm. You can read more about this here

I am going to breakdown each major stage of the menstrual cycle. I'll take you through some of the hormonal changes that occur and give you some tips on how to best support your body during this time.

This is going to fun. Ok, shall we?

A healthy period can be looked at in three main phases, the timing and length of which can vary from woman to woman, meaning that a normal cycle can be anywhere from 21 to 35 days, and 28 being the average. Let's get a visual as I am going to refer back and forth to this picture, so you can follow along. 


On to the stages:

1. First is the FOLLICULAR PHASE, which occurs for approximately 14 days (but can vary from say 7 to 21 days).

It includes MENSTRUATION, which can last for about 3 to 5 days. As you can see in the image above, oestrogen and progesterone levels are at there lowest. As we will soon find out these hormones play a particular role in governing how we feel. During this time, energy will also be at your lowest, you may feel tired and a little withdrawn and hey that is ok. 

Holistic Health Tips During Menstruatiion:

  • Try not to schedule social events, presentations, hard training sessions or anything that requires a lot of high energy and outward expression.

  • Consider taking a day off from training (and ideally work).

  • Instead schedule yourself some ME time. Ideas: run yourself an epsom salt bath, meditate, journal, house choirs, short walks, stretching, gym based recovery and just kind of plotting around the house are all totally welcomed.

  • By respecting the fact that you hormones are at their lowest level and giving yourself that time to nurture and relax, you are going with the flow of your body rather than against it.

  • Avoid foods that promote inflammation in the body: alcohol, refined sugars, processed foods, processed cows dairy, gluten, and inflammatory oils (corn, canola, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower) - not just now but in general, especially if you have any diagnosed hormonal conditions like endometriosis, PCOS or infertility.

  • Opt for nutrient dense anti-inflammatory foods like cold water fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna), grass fed meat (also a great source of iron and zinc which your body will be using), seafood, oysters (high in zinc), sea vegetables like (kelp and nori which are high in iodine), colourful vegetables and fruits, fermented foods, bone broths and turmeric.

  • Consider adding in a magneiusm supplement. I like magnesium glycinate at 300-400mg daily as most women are under stress and need more magnesium than that obtained through diet along.

  • Oils to support you at this stage: ClaryCalm over the lower abdomen twice daily; Clary Sage, Lavender, Geranium in the bath or mixed with carrier oil for a self massage or in the diffuser to support emotions & hormones. Frankincense for mediation and self reflection.

As you move through the follicular phase, out of menstruation, the pituitary gland, starts to release Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH), which stimulates your follicles (the little sacs that contains an egg) towards ovulation. 

These follicles, secrete oestradiol and testosterone, that make you feel happy and stimulate libido, as they boost serotonin and dopamine, two very important neurotransmitters responsible for mood, pleasure and motivation. 

Here, you may naturally experience a boost in energy, strength, improved mood & brain function! Woot woot, our time to shine ladies. 

Holistic Health Tips for the second half of the Follicular Phase:

  • From a physical perspective this is were engaging in strenuous exercise, metabolic conditioning, strength and power training is a green light IF your body is ready for it

  • This is also a great time to brainstorm on ideas and projects as creativity is high and set intentions and really take action on major decisions

  • Get plenty of nutrient dense, energy sustaining carbohydrates (especially if training) like root vegetates, buckwheat, oats, rice, gluten free pasta and fruits. As well as quality fats and proteins.

  • The body tends to burn more fat at rest and is more sensitive to insulin making it good time to fuel up on quality food and train well, don't skip out of meals or be skimpy (don't do that ever, under eating is a bad idea for hormone health in general)

  • Oils to support you: A synergistic blend of oils, like Clary Sage, Geranium, Fennel, Basil and Rosemary, that exert a balancing effect on oestrogen ie. they help create an equilibrium depending on what the body needs would be ideal - diffused or applied topically, diluted into a carrier oil. DoTERRA ClaryCalm has a great combination of these so you could continue using that daily. Inhaling peppermint prior to workouts and throughout the day to support mental and physical stamina.

2. The second major phase is OVULATION baby. This is were your winning follicle swells, ruptures and releases a precious egg. The release is known as ovulation. Some of you may even feel this event happening, with a mild twinge on one or both sides of your lower pelvis. Other signs include an egg white sticky discharge that you may notice a few days prior to ovulation and a change in your cervix position. 

Things really start to heat up during this the stage, like actually heat up, as in your body temperature rises, due to the rising levels of progesterone. Oestrogen increases to further thicken your uterine lining and testosterone surges, driving sexual desire, and then drops again. Your empty follicle sac morphs into an amazing progesterone secreting gland called the corpus luteum (latin for "yellow body" because it's a yellow mass of hormone secreting miracle).

Holistic Health Tips for Ovulation:

  • Hopefully you're thinking it but I am just going to say it out loud - hot, steamy or whatever floats your boat, sexy time (with your partner or yourself for that matter).

  • It's also a good time to mingle, party and be social as the verbal and social centre of the brain are being stimulated by the hormones floating around at this time. Did someone say par-tay?

  • Testosterone and oestrogen levels are high hence so to are energy levels and confidence making it a good time to engage in more metabolic conditioning type training and resistance training, tensile strength or power.

  • The hormone relaxin is also increased at this time which triggers laxity in ligaments, activates collagenase and promotes bony remodelling. So avoiding maximal lifts and instead working on tensile strength and stiffness drills, multidirectional power and deceleration training is a good idea.

  • Be sure to load up on fruit and vegetables for fibre, whey protein for glutathione, sea vegetables/iodised salt for iodine, eggs, liver and grass fed animal meat for important nutrients like folate, Vit B6, Vit B12, zinc, selenium and amino acids to support healthy oestrogen metabolism through your liver and out your large intestine.

  • Fermented foods and a healthy gut is also important for ensuring oestrogen is cleared out of the body and not reactivated by bad bacteria

  • Getting rid of environmental toxins from around your home (those found in chemical cleaning product and personal care products that can act as endocrine disruptors) is also key for ensuring healthy oestrogen levels in the body

  • Oils to support a healthy libido: Passion Blend, Whisper Blend, Sandalwood (for healthy testosterone), Ylang Ylang and Jasmine Touch. You could wear any of these as a perfume over your wrists and neck to support your own natural pheromones which are high at this time, making you irresistible!

I love this image so much. I can't credit the artist but it was posted by Dr. Aviva Romm @avivaromm, she's awesome.

I love this image so much. I can't credit the artist but it was posted by Dr. Aviva Romm @avivaromm, she's awesome.

3. The third phase is the LUTEAL PHASE. This is where things can get pretty interesting for us "so called crazy" females. Oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels reach their peak levels and then start to decline to their lowest concentration right before menstruation (if pregnancy does not occur). It's important to note that PMS is common towards the end of this phase but is not "normal". It's a clue that things are a little out of whack. 

This phase tends to last about 10 to 16 days. Now remember that yellow mass of hormone secreting goodness? Well it is really the star of the show along with the key hormone it releases, progesterone. Now progesterone or pro-gestestation, is really about supporting and nourishing a pregnancy. But don't tune out if pregnancy isn't your thing right now, because  beyond that major role, progesterone also has many other benefits including: reducing inflammation, building muscle, promoting sleep, calming the nervous system, making us cope with stress better and opposes the effects of oestrogen (ie. thins your uterine lining, prevents breast cancer, boosts thyroid hormone - all of which oestrogen has the opposite effect on). 

Important stuff, that we want to have around right?. The key to plentiful progesterone is ovulation, so everything you do in the lead up to this phase matter to make this a breeze not a living hell. So managing stress, quality sleep, enough food, good food, adequate nutrients (magnesium, Vit B6, selenium, zinc, vitamin C, L-arginine), a healthy gut to absorb nutrients and a healthy liver to metabolise excess oestrogen all will help. 

Holistic Health Tips for your Luteal Phase:

  • At the beginning of this phase, post ovulation, energy levels will likely still be good. So you can use this energy to train well - strength training, metabolic conditioning and well more sex (just be safe ok if you aren't planning on babies right now).

  • This is a good time to focus on attention to detail tasks and ticking things off your to do list. So set aside some time for focus and getting jobs completed.

  • Towards the end of this phase, as hormones decline to their lowest levels, energies shift. It's time to go easy on yourself.

  • Activities this week might be more like restorative yoga, float tanks, sleep ins, passive recovery sessions, nesting at home and doing small chores around the house

  • It is normal for you to get more hungry during your premenstrual time due to the effects of progesterone. So go ahead and eat more quality nutrients. But don't be fooled into sugary treats as this will only make matters worse. Instead opt for boiled eggs, avocados, protein smoothies, that will satisfy your hunger without having a huge effect on your blood sugar.

  • Magneiusm and Vit B6 can help with cravings. Allowing yourself a few squares of dark chocolate is totally ok too. Just not the whole block so opt for the quality dark stuff that doesn't allow you to consume the entire block.

  • Oils to support you: ClaryCalm on the lower abdomen twice daily during this phase (as you can see this blend is amazing for all phases, I use it daily). Smart and Sassy, 2-3 drops, into smoothie or water bottle to control sugar cravings and support liver detofixaton and fluid retention. Frankincense, 1-2 drops, under the tongue to help lower inflammation. Balance on the soles of the feet every morning and night to stay grounded. Bergamot and Elevation to manage lower moods.

  • PMS support: Inhale clary sage and geranium daily. Apply 1 to 3 drops of clary sage, fennel, geranium and basil to the lower abdomen, up to three times per day.

Remember that your menstrual cycle gives you clues into your overall health. It's like a little monthly report on how well you are doing at looking after your health. It gives you an opportunity to do better again next month. 

The key to optimising your cycles and working with your body really starts with the daily lifestyle habits that you create for yourself - nourishing food, smart and effective training, stress management and smart supplementation can have a powerful impact.

Your cycle should be a celebration of health and fertility. But if you are struggling with symptoms during your menstrual cycle know that you are not alone. But please take action to do something about it. And remember that the pill does not "regulate" your cycle. It shuts down your bodies natural hormonal cycle and gives you synthetic hormones to act in place of your natural ones which do not elicit the same amazing benefits as your natural hormones, so that is not an effective solution. 

If you are struggling with hormonal issues, then please feel free to reach out so we can get started on creating a holistic health plan to get you feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin and celebrating your amazing womanly ways. If you are interested in getting your hands on some essential oils to help throughout your cycle then you can read more here or simply hit reply. 

Our female design is really something to marvel over; it is not something to suppress or oppress but unfortianely that is how it has been treated for most of our history. But times are changing - many incredible, intelligent women who are health professionals are speaking up about female hormone health and raising the bar in how we view and treat conditions - I intend to be one of them, because enough is enough! So please don't suffer in silence and do not let someone tell you that what you are feeling is normal or in your own head. Trust yourself. You know your body. Own it and know that you are worthy of feeling happy and healthy in your own skin. 



Resources for this blog:

  • All things training related: my friend and epic coach, John Sinclair - Director of Programming at the Institute of Motion

  • The Period Repair Manual by Dr. Lara Briden

  • My Flow App, by Alisa Vitti

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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

Are you tired of feeling tired?

Us ladies are not supposed to feel like we are dragging ourselves around all day every day. Feeling tired, exhausted, unmotivated and a little lifeless is not the way to live life. If it has become your normal and you are tired of being tired all the time, it’s time to take a little look into what might be going on. Shall we? 

Us ladies are not supposed to feel like we are dragging ourselves around all day every day. Feeling tired, exhausted, unmotivated and a little lifeless is not the way to live life. If it has become your normal and you are tired of being tired all the time, it’s time to take a little look into what might be going on. Shall we? 


1. Are you prioritising your sleep?

Sorry to state the obvious but if you aren’t getting at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night then chances are you’re going to feel tired. I’ve written a few blogs on sleep so I won’t harp on about the importance of it yet again BUT if you are struggling with this YOU have to make it a priority to address it. For your energy, health and sanity! 

Sleep is so so important - have a read here and sing out if you need more help with this. 


Create a bedtime routine and stick to it! Example:

  • Set yourself a bedtime (preferably before 10.30pm) and wake up time and stick to it. 
  • Power down at least 1 hour before bed. 
  • Make up a roller bottle of Lavender Peace + Vetiver + Balance and apply to the soles of your feet before bed
  • Go outside into the sunlight on waking and at lunchtime
  • Go for a night walk after dinner
  • Light some candles and take a relaxing warm bath 

The above are just some ideas. I have found essential oils to be extremely effective at improving my clients' sleep. If you haven’t yet tried Lavender Peace / Vetiver before bed, you’re missing out on some next level sleep.

Here what one oily friend had to say...

Amazing sleep & dreams I’m having using Lavender Peace on my pillow. Switched it up from regular Lavender & bam 💥 great sleep for 7-8hrs per night & very clear dream recall enabling some great work with subconscious insights (I have pretty much only recalled 1 dream a year... now it’s 1 a night!!). 

Keen to try some “all-natural” liquid valium? Happy to hook you up. 

2. Are you eating enough calories for your activity level?

Again, sounds pretty obvious BUT way too many women that I speak with are eating too few calories for their daily energy requirements. Your body requires a minimum amount of calories to keep the show going (think breathing, heart pumping, brain humming along, hormones buzzing etc). 

Women are particularly more sensitive to this minimum calorie requirement which is essential for the production of our sex hormones. Think about it - harvesting a child is a very energy expensive process. So the limitation is energy availability signals to the brain - famine - not a good time for reproduction, therefore leading your ovaries to shut up shop! 

The same process is true when you’re stressing like a mofo, training like an athlete and not recovering like an athlete and or any combination of the above three!

This is NOT good as ovulation is how we primarily produce our all-important sex hormones like oestrogen and progesterone which make us feel youthful, full of energy, happy, keep our skin nice, our bones healthy and our heart well. Important stuff. Way more important than six pack abs or a nice booty I’d say!

If you are running on a calorie deficient too often for too long, expect that your energy will not be good. And for the nursing Mumma’s out there who are already sleep deprived you my dear need an extra 300-500 calories per day. So be sure to eat up!

A prolonged calorie deficit can also cause the thyroid gland to slow down (see next point) further contributing to low energy (not fun, don’t go there). 


  • To get an estimate of your recommended daily calorie intake plug in your details here
  • Record a few days worth of food intake into MyFitness Pal
  • See how you score? Are you under or overeating? If you are undereating increase your intake of nutrient-dense food. Enjoy more bountiful energy, now that you are properly fuelled.

3. How is your thyroid function?

Your thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck. It’s small but man is it important for so many different aspects of your health including brain function, gastrointestinal function, reproduction/hormone function, cardiovascular system, bone metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, temperature regulation, protein, cholesterol and glucose metabolism. Every cell in your body has receptors for thyroid hormone - this should tell you just how important these hormones are. 


Unfortunately, about 12% of people will develop a thyroid condition in their life. More unfortunate and something that really bugs me is that up to 60% of people with thyroid conditions don’t actually know they have one. And what is really unfortunate is that we ladies are 5 to 8 times more likely to develop a thyroid disorder than men. 

Fatigue is a prominent symptom of low thyroid function. Other symptoms include: brain fog, poor memory, low mood (often diagnosed as depression), dry skin, constipation, cold hands and feet, hair loss or thinning hair, thinning of the outer third of eyebrows, cold intolerance, hoarse voice, irregular menstruation, fertility issues and high cholesterol. 

As you can see this is a not so fun list with a wide range of symptoms that I see too often palmed off as “common” or worse yet “treated” with symptom suppressing drugs that don’t address the underlying thyroid issue (which is sometimes not even fully investigated).

Now thyroid function is tricky, complicated and not well understood by most conventionally trained Docs. I did intend to write a thyroid hormone blog (as it has become so common) but in the meantime if you do suspect your fatigue is caused by a thyroid condition check out this article by Izabella Wentz aka The Thyroid Pharmacist, who has dedicated her life work to helping women with thyroid conditions, in particular, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (the autoimmune version and the most common cause of Hypothyroidism). 


  1. The first place to start if you suspect your fatigue may be due to your thyroid function is to get a thorough and complete thyroid blood test from a Doctor willing to listen and HEAR you. 
  2. This should include:
  • TSH (this is your thyroid stimulating hormone that is released from your pituitary gland that tells your thyroid gland to release thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) 
  • Free T4 (T4 is the inactive form of thyroid hormone and needs to be converted to T3 before the body can utilise it)
  • Free T3 (hormones are often bound to proteins to carry them throughout the body. Free versus Total T4 and T3 give a better indication of what is happening at a cellular level)
  • Reverse T3 (an inactive form of T3)
  • Thyroid Antibodies - Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) & Thyroglobulin (TG) (to check for an autoimmune thyroid condition such as Hashimoto’s)
  • In my experience, you will have to find a functional/integrative doctor that understands thyroid physiology to get this full panel. This means paying out of pocket for some markers. But trust me, getting to the root of a thyroid problem is so worth it if you want to start feeling better. 

4. Are you low in these nutrients?

Now that we agree calories kind of do matter, I mean getting enough calories in, where those calories come from is also super important. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals are all required to run this engine, that is our body. Lack in any of these can contribute to feeling sluggish and tired.  Therefore focussing on a whole foods, nutrient dense diet with variety is key.

Some key nutrient deficiencies to consider for fatigue:


  • be sure to get your levels checked - especially if you are vegan or vegetarian and a woman. Iron is required to produce red blood cells and make haemoglobin which carries oxygen around the body to tissues and cells - if your starving of oxygen, you’ll feel tired.


  • Glucose is an important energy substrate required for many processes in the body including fuelling our brains and muscles. Carbohydrates also trigger an insulin response which is an important factor in the conversion of T4 to T3.
  • Glucose is also important for ensuring the brain knows there is enough energy around to trigger ovulation and hence all our sexy hormones.
  • So if you’ve been low carbing and you’re now finding yourself struggling to stay awake all day, now might be time to consider adding some carbs back in.
  • There’s a high probability that you will start to feel more energised. Remember that an intervention that achieves results doesn’t always mean it’s the best thing for us long term. Be open to adapt and change direction when things are no longer serving you, ok?


  1. Get your iron levels checked if fatigued especially if vegetarian or vegan and a woman
  2. Consume nutrient-dense foods that contain these key nutrients. Food high in iron include (oysters, clams, liver, beef)
  3. For females, ensure you are getting around 150g of good quality, whole food carbohydrates per day to support hormone health (***more depending on activity levels and height and weight etc). 
  4. Take a high-quality wholefood-based multivitamin supplement. I like the doTERRA Life Long Vitality (LLV) The number one feedback from this top-selling product (yep above any oil) is how well it improves peoples energy levels (there are also reports of improvement in thyroid antibodies, stonger hair and nails, better sleep, improved mood, stonger immunity and loads more. I take it personally and feel very confident recommending it to clients. It also has a 30 day money back guarantee! If you want some info on it, shoot me an email, I’ve got a really great PDF on it’s benefits.

Here's what some people from my wider oily group have to say about LLV:

" I’ve been taking it for about two years now. I have more energy, no sugar cravings because of this. Stronger hair and nails, better skin complexion, no brain fog, better mood, gosh the list goes on....
And my wee is not fluro yellow like other supplements I have taken in the past. 
I certainly notice when I miss a day or two."

"Me ! Energy, clearer skin, less brain fog, less inflammation, hair and nails grow faster ... And those are just a few benefits I feel xx"

 "No brain fog!!! Is most definitely the best side effect! But also increased stamina and alertness .. and .. for the first time ever (not including pregnancies) I have strong finger nails!"

"Omg , I trialled another companies products as a learning and OMG did my body especially my thyroid function miss the LLV ! I am never going off it again"

Did I mention they have a 30 day money back gurantee? 

5. Are you burning the candle at both ends?

Women have a tendency to do this. Always sacrificing our own needs before others and never stopping to fill up our own tanks. Are you guilty of it? Have you heard of Rushing Women's Syndrome? Dr. Libby appropriately coined the term and did a fantastic and impactful TedTalk on it. I highly suggest you go and watch it NOW

If you constantly go go go (work, training, kids, cooking, cleaning, spouse, bills, worries, negative self talk, unfulfilled at work or home or both)  and never taking time out to nourish your physical, mental and emotionally being that is you, you are sending a very clear message to your brain that it is under threat and to merely SURVIVE. 

This internally presents with the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which keep you going, but overtime, only just barely. These hormones are short-term hormones. Only meant to hang around long enough for you to fight or flee. 

As a consequence to protect itself the body has mechanisms inbuilt that downregulate it’s response to these “stress hormones” and eventually their stimulating effects also become downregulated. This is when you really start struggling and reaching for more caffeine and sugary things to get you over the line. At this point, fatigue is inevitable without some external stimulus to temporarily counteract it. 

This my hardworking, stress head friend is what we call Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis Dysfunction which is science speak for Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome. Symptoms include fatigue, poor exercise tolerance and recovery, low libido,  brain fog, weakened immune system, postural hypotension and reduced stress tolerance. 

It is caused by many aspects of our modern life such as - 

  • poor diet (not enough calories and or nutrients)
  • lack of sleep and lack of down time
  • chronic stress (high level of perceived stress)
  • lack of or too much exercise 
  • inflammation (gut issues)

Like the thyroid, the HPA-axis affects nearly every cell and tissue in the body and is why I have to address this in nearly every woman I have ever worked with. It also interacts with thyroid hormone and sex hormone function and is integral to feeling energised and well. 


  1. Run the DUTCH Test to assess HPA-axis function and sex hormones and work with a practitioner to get you some tailored supplement and diet and lifestyle protocols
  2. Adrenal adaptogens can be very helpful. I like the Gaia Adrenal Support
  3. Eat regular well-balanced meals, no fasting at this stage
  4. Avoid or minimise stimulants like caffeine
  5. Sleep, sleep and more sleep
  6. Gentle exercise like long walks in nature, short sessions, and minimal or very short High-intensity sessions
  7. Adequate calories, carbohydrates (see point 2), vitamin C and B vitamins
  8. Apply a dilution of basil, clove, rosemary and geranium over the adrenal area (lower back) morning and evening; diffuse and or inhale basil / rosemary / peppermint oils when feeling fatigued. These oils help to combat fatigue are more stimulating allowing you to focus and feel more alert. 

6. Do you need a vacation? 

You’re all nodding, aren’t you! Well my friend, make it happen. I’m serious. There will never be a perfect time. One of the things I learnt in Italy whilst on vacation (took a leaflet from my own book) is that we do not honour rest. 

My favourite photo from Positano, Italy 2018

My favourite photo from Positano, Italy 2018

"Rest is to work like night is to day."

They cannot exist without each other. We try - we invented lights and we work longer hours, and we push and we think we are succeeding in life. But at the expense of our bodies and life itself. So find a way to bring more siestas into your day, week or year.


  1. Schedule work free days
  2. Schedule in periodic breaks
  3. Cut back a day at work
  4. Book a holiday 
  5. Fill your day with nothing! Zilch! Just let your mind wander and see how much more energised you feel after. You may even get some brilliant ideas worth pursuing. 
  6. Best oils for relaxation: doTERRA Aromatouch, Balance, Lavender, Frankincense are my fav go to's to diffuse and apply to bring about a state of relaxation. 

Ok, so clearly I missed writing and couldn’t help but to write you a long one. If you made it this far thanks for sticking with me. Hope it helps and if you need more support on getting to the root cause of your fatigue or you would like to learn more about any of the above-mentioned oils, then please just reach out. I'm here to help. You deserve to feel your best!


Chantel x 


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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

5 Simple Habits that will have you sleeping like a baby...

"I'll sleep when I am dead," "sleep is for wimp," "who needs sleep," "I'm too busy to sleep" were once common societal phrases. But times are a changing! Sleep is now an uncontested requirement of good health and has become one of the most widely talked about topics in the health, medical and sports fields. There is now an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms this. 

"I'll sleep when I am dead," "sleep is for wimps," "who needs sleep," "I'm too busy to sleep" were once common societal phrases. But times are a changing! Sleep is now an uncontested requirement of good health and has become one of the most widely talked about topics in the health, medical and sports fields. There is now an overwhelming body of evidence that confirms this. 

Most of us have experienced the negative impacts of poor sleep first hand.

Cranky, hungry, easily irritated, headaches, brain fog, low motivation - and that's just me after a single night of poor or shortened sleep!  


As it turns out sleep deprivation doesn’t just cause long-term health issues like depression, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, memory loss and death. It also exhibits immediate short-term negative impacts as well. These include decreased stress tolerance, decreased cognitive function, immune dysfunction and emotional instability. Are there any new mothers out there nodding their heads?

Sleep-deprived people report significantly greater subjective stress, anger, anxiety, and response to low-grade stress. Sleep loss also increases cortisol levels, which can be the beginning of Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal axis dysfunction (aka Adrenal Fatigue), and sleep deprivation also decreases short-term memory, reduces learning capacity, and causes a decline in mental stamina and reduction in attention. Not what we want for our children or ourselves!

Lack of sleep can be viewed as a chronic stressor. As the body tries to maintain homeostasis, sleep deprivation overloads the body’s capacity to do that, which results in increased disease risk.       

So if you are:

  • Sleeping less than 7 hours a night?
  • Struggling to fall to sleep?
  • Waking often during the night?
  • Feel like your becoming more forgetful, exhausted, unable to focus, unable to deal with stress?
  • Not recovering well from exercise?
  • Are craving sugar and or food all day?

Then it is time you start prioritizing and nailing your sleep ASAP! And it starts well before bedtime. 

1. Expose your skin and eyes to at least 30 minutes of sunlight every day (that is without sunglasses or sunscreen).

  • When we absorb UVB rays through our skin, that leads to the production of the fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamins D (super duper important and Aussies are becoming alarmingly more deficient).
  • Vit D triggers an enzyme called tryptophan hydroxylase which converts tryptophan into serotonin.
  • Serotonin if you haven't heard is a really important neurotransmitter that regulates behavior, appetite, perceptions, memory, and emotions. It's our happy chemical. 
  • Serotonin can then be converted into melatonin, our sleep hormone. 
  • This can be broken up into morning, midday and afternoon. For example, eat your breakfast outside, enjoy your lunch or simply take a break and step out of the office. 

2. Power down your lights as the sun goes down

  • Yep bring out the candles, turn off the ceiling lights and turn on the lamps.
  • You also want to avoid looking into your electronic devices including the TV.
  • Most electronic devices do have a form of night mode or brightness lowering action. Make sure this is on and set.
  • Blue light is so much more suppressive on melatonin production (our sleep hormone).
  • If the above all seems too hard for you but you're really serious, which you should be, get yourself some orange tinted glasses to pop on as the sun goes down.

3. Optimise you sleep nutrition

  • Most people do best to go to bed neither too hungry nor too full.
  • In terms of macronutrients, both very low-fat and very low-carb diets can also lead to insomnia.
  • Carbs increase the ability of tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, to enter the pineal gland, so if you are on a low-carb diet and are having trouble sleeping, increasing carbs can make a huge difference.
  • Glycine (an amino acid found in collagen-rich foods like bone broth or meat on the bone dishes) also promotes the uptake of tryptophan and the production of serotonin and melatonin, so eating eat nose-to-tail and making sure you are getting adequate glycine or you can supplement with either gelatin or glycine at night can help.
  • Pre-Bed smoothie: Blend a banana + 2 Tblsp Great Lakes Collagen + Your choice of milk + cinnamon + vanilla powder + Coconut Yoghurt. 

4. Take a warm shower before bed, even better take a warm bath

  • Baths are one of those things when you have them you never use them but when you don't all you dream about is taking a bath
  • Hot water causes vasodilation of the blood vessels in your body which results in a decrease in sympathetic tone, therefore, gives you that "Awwww" feeling when standing and sitting in warm water.
  • This can be an easy and effective strategy for getting you into a more restful state prior to sleep. 

5. Essential oils

  • Essential oils contain super small compounds that when applied to the skin can rapidly penetrate the tissues and enter the bloodstream exerting their many effects of which calming, relaxing and soothing can help with sleep
  • The chemical components in Lavender essential oil have been shown to enter the bloodstream within 5 minutes of massaging the oil on the skin. The 1992 study that showed this, also demonstrated that maximum concentration levels were observed within 20 minutes and most of the lavender was eliminated at 90 minutes. 
  • This may seem like a bad thing but I see it as a huge advantage as most sleep medications take hours if not days to be eliminated from your body and often require metabolism and elimination via our liver or kidneys. This can put pressure on those systems and often leave residual side effects.  In the words of a 2014 systematic review of the literature, “A majority of the study findings suggested a positive effect of essential oils for sleep. Lavender was the most frequently studied essential oil. No adverse events were reported.”
For those who already have a doTERRA wholesale account - this month, receive this product for free by placing a single LRP order of over 125PV through the Australian or New Zealand warehouse between 1-15 May!

For those who already have a doTERRA wholesale account - this month, receive this product for free by placing a single LRP order of over 125PV through the Australian or New Zealand warehouse between 1-15 May!

Now it isn' just Lavender oil that helps with sleep albeit it's a goodie and has the most research behind it. 

I've never had a problem with my sleep. But the first time I applied my doTERRA Lavender to my temples before bed and diffused it beside my bed I woke up having experienced a different level of sleep. It literally felt like I went to La La Land. This has been one of the biggest feedbacks I have received from peeps in my oily tribe. And if you want to step it up to the next level... Lavender Peace Baby! A blend of lavender, cedarwood, Ho Wood, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Hawaiian Sandalwood). Peace had me in a dream state, which I actually don't usually achieve. 

Ok, so what if you aren't a lavender fan (gasp). What other oils can help with sleep:

A lot actually so I will try to narrow it down:

  • Vetiver (referred to as "liquid valium")
  • Roman Chamomile 
  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Cedarwood
  • Juniper Berry (often used for night terrors)
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Neroli
  • Clary Sage 
  • Pettigran 

DoTerra actually has a whole PDF on sleep and essential oils. Sing out if you want it ok.  

How to use essential oils for sleep:

  • 1-2 drops in the diffuser next to your bed. Goodnight!
  • Apply 1-2 drops on your temples and to the back of your neck 
  • Drop a few drops onto the floor of your shower and let the steam lift the aroma. Plus, you'll feel all goddessy as the smell seeps into your hair and skin (Clary Sage, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile work well for this as they are great for skin too)
  • Add a few drops (or more) with some Epsom salts into a warm bath (and be grateful you have a bath you lucky duck)
  • Make up a pillow spritzer with a few drops of essential oil in water and mist over your pillow. Don't saturate it, that wouldn't be cool!
  • Apply to the soles of your feet. This is a good way when using oils for sleep with children. Remeber always dilute, use less oil than you would on an adult and stick to oils like Frank, Lavender, Roman Chamomile that tend to be very gentle. 
  • Add to your tea. eg. Roman chamomile to your chamomile tea or Bergamot to your earl grey. 
  • Con your partner into a message - you deserve it Babe!

There you have it. Try these five super simple yet very effective routines TODAY and continue for the next month. Report back! 

If you are still struggling with low energy, fatigue, inability to recover, hormonal issues, gut issues, sleep problems then it is time to dig a little deeper. You can request to work with me here. 

And if you want to get your hands on beautiful quality, pure and potent doTERRA essential oils to support your sleep and so much more then please reach out! You can also take a read of why I chose to incorporate doTERRA essential oils into my business here and the low down on how to order them here.  


Chantel x

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Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan

IT'S SIMPLE: Essential Oils Work (find out how you can use them daily)

So let's dive in. I am going to start with a typical day. 

Firstly, do you have a morning routine? Turns out that all the "successful" people do. And most credit their success to this so-called morning routine. I am taking  putting quotations because it has become such a thing, that I kind of have to laugh. Whilst I myself do actually have a morning routine that spans beyond the oils,  I am going to share my oil morning routine with you. Now if you are a busy mum or just busy, then YOU my dear, need this routine THE MOST.

Most of you by now will be aware that yes, I've turned into "another one of those" oil people. You can read about why I have chosen to get on the oil bandwagon here. And no the primary reason is not to "sell" you something or to make millions of dollars or to lock you into a network marketing company etc etc. 

The truth is, the quality of oils (and products) + the integrity of the company + my experience with them + my love for their properties has fuelled a passion inside of me that allows me to authentically share them with people who genuinely want to know more about them and utilise them for their health and their families health. Am I rewarded for sharing the oils - yes. Do I intend to pursue the business opportunities - yes, I would be crazy not to. 

This doesn't feel like work. I love researching and learning about the oils, hearing the amazing stories of success, speaking to like-minded people about how they use them and find benefits from the oils, supporting a company that so generously gives back to those who support them, and sharing this with you all. 



So let's dive in. I am going to start with a typical day. 

My morning routine.

Firstly, do you have a morning routine? Turns out that all the "successful" people do. And most credit their success to this so-called morning routine. I am taking  putting quotations because it has become such a thing, that I kind of have to laugh. Whilst I myself do actually have a morning routine that spans beyond the oils,  I am going to share my oil morning routine with you. Now if you are a busy mum or just busy, then YOU my dear, need this routine THE MOST.

Think of it as one minute (that's all I am asking) of bliss just for you. You deserve a minute. Actually, you deserve many minutes but let's start there for brevity and compliance. 

So you've showered, you're dressed or are about to get dressed and you go to wherever your oil stash lives.

Here's what you do:


  • Apply Balance, doTERRAs grounding blend, to the soles of both feet. A few drops will do.
  • Before putting the lid on give it a good deep sniff. This blend helps one to stay present and teaches one to ground their energy to stay focused on their goal. It is also helpful for calming overactive children who have difficulting settling down (so I am told and have read). 
  • I sometimes apply this to my temples. There are days when I feel like drowning myself in the whole bottle of Balance. It was one of my first oils that I purchased after my enrollment kit and I still use it everyday. 


  • Next up is, ClaryCalm, the woman's monthly blend. A combination of Clary sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot seed and Vitex. 
  • These oils individually and collectively have properties to support women hormonally as well as supporting the physical properties of fertile mucus and the ovaries and uterus. 
  • This blend assists individuals to be emotionally open and vulnerable. It is a powerful emotional stabiliser, especially during menstruation or menopause. *** Note: After a few cycles of me using this oil, my husband commented, how much more tolerate of him I was being in the lead up before my period. Apparently, I was usually more snappy and short tempered. Who knew?
  • GUIDE: Apply to mons pubis morning and evening. Plus on the inner and outer sides of both ankles (these are the vita flex points that correspond to the uterus and ovaries)


  • Motivate otherwise known as the Encouraging blend is a combination of mints and citrus oils. 
  • Citrus oils are known for their mood enhancing and uplifting properties and mint oils, especially peppermint for their stimulatory and focusing effects. 
  • These oils are perfect for those who wake up needing a bit of encouragement and "pepping" up to get going for the day. 
  • GUIDE: Apply 1-2 drops of Motivate or Peppermint into the palms of your hands, rub together, and inhale through your cupped hands. You can also apply one drop of peppermint to the roof of your mouth to awaken your senses and give you fresh morning breath before you leave for the day. 


  • Essential oils have some pretty amazing skin health benefits including cellular repair, improving complexion, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and soothing the skin. 
  • There are many oils that host these properties and can be beautiful on your skin. 
  • Some of my favourite that I put into my face mist spray bottle with water include Lavender, Frankincense, Geranium, Wild orange (note: citrus oils can be photosensitising, therefore if you are heading out into the sun all day, please leave out the citrus oils or apply at night). 
  • DIY RECIPE: In a 100ml spray bottle, add 2 drops each of Geranium, Lavender, Wild orange and Frankincense + 5 drops of Rosehip oil and top with filtered water. ** In future I will add say 1-2 tsp of witch hazel to act as a bit of a preservative and also as an astringent.  Keep the spray in the fridge, shake before use, and spray 2-3 times over face and decolletage.
  • Many of you have asked how you could buy this concoction from me. The truth is I really wouldn't feel comfortable selling you something that I whipped up in a few minutes in my kitchen with a dodgey computer typed label. Also, what is going to happen when you run out? I would much prefer to set you up so you can make this plus loads of other beautiful skin care products for yourself whenever you need to. It's ridiculously simple. 

In the diffuser

During the day, if I am working from my home office, I set up the diffuser on my desk. I usually let my intuition guide me as to what I feel to diffuse on a given day. For example, I might feel to use refreshing citrus oils like Lemon or Wild orange or Citrus Bliss blend (Invigorating Belnd) or I might feel for more calming oils like Frank, Lavender or Balance. If I am concerned I am getting run down I will use On Guard to support my immune system plus I love anything with cinnamon in it. It also has Rosemary which is great for boosting memory. 

There is an awesome app called Diffuser Blends that you can download for a free trial, that will suggest diffuser blends based on what oils you have. This can be useful until you develop a feel for the oils. I have only ever F%cKed up a diffuser blend once. I added Passion with Wild Orange. Two beautiful aromas on their own but together kind of gross.

Oh and I also have a cute car difffsuer that I put a few drops of oils into and a necklace. You can check them out here


Around the home

When something strikes, my mind goes to, what oil could I use to support that? Because they are potent, aromatic plant compounds capable of being absorbed into the bloodstream or working topically and exerting their effects, they are very powerful and useful for first aid situations. 

  • Easy Air for sinus and cough
  • On Guard on the soles of your feet for immune support and as a mouth rinse with coconut oil
  • Lavender for bites, skin irritation or sunburn
  • Frank for inflammation, rashes, immune support
  • Digestzen for stomach upset
  • Oregano (always diluted) for warts/fungal infections/skin tags
  • Ice Blue for aches and pains
  • Peppermint for fevers
  • Lemon for digestion 

Not to mention they can replace most of your cleaning products and artificial smelly things both of which are major sources of toxic chemicals that can be harmful to your health, especially female hormones. If you have a store bought car diffuser or a toilet thing that spritzes - throw them out now! 

  • Make your own surface spray with 5-6 drops of lemon essential oil + vinegar + water in a spray bottle to clean and purify surfaces. 
  • Make your own toilet spray with water and a few drops of refreshing essential oils
  • Rinse your vegetables in water and 5-10 drops of lemon to preserve freshness

Did I mention you can use them in cooking? Or to flavour drinks? Or water? Or chocolate? Now we're talking. 

  • Add 1 drop or Lemon or Spearmint or Wild Orange or Grapefruit to your water bottle or if you are feeling fancy to sparkling water in a champayne glass. 
  • You can use the herbaceous oils like Basil, Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary to add a massive flavour boost to meals. Eg. At the end of cooking your bolognese sauce, add 1 drop of oregano and stir through. REMEMBER: Less is more with these babies, they are super potent, so start low and test taste
  • Add Lemon or Basil with olive oil to your salads
  • As for the chocolate (or bliss balls, or raw cheese cakes), Wild orange or Peppermint works an absolute treat. 

Finally, my night time routine..

My most favourite part of my whole day... 

  • Post-shower, dim the lights, play some relaxing music and place about a 5 cent piece of rosehip oil in the palm of your hand then add 1 drop each of Lavender, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang and Geranium and apply to your face and neck. ***Note if you only have Lavender + Frank then start with this combo. 
  • Once finished, take a moment, and bring your cupped hands over your nose, and take in a big deep breath of the leftover aromas from your hands. 
  • Set up your diffuser with some sleepy time oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Lavender Peace, Vetiver, Cedarwood, Balance, and there are plenty more options, to send you off to LaLaLand. 


Ok, so that's a day in the oil world at my house. This turned out to be a lot larger than I anticipated, so I thank you for making it all the way through. There are plenty more uses that I would love to keep sharing with you  but I wanted to give you a basic run down and keep it simple so that you can begin using your oils today to support your body.

They can also be very helpful and supprtive in particualr conditions or circumstances so if you do have any questions about how they may help you specifically then please reach out. 

If you would like to get yourself some oils then please reach out or go here to order. 

Ok, I hope this was helpful, if you would like me to write about any uses in particular then leave a comment and let me know. 



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