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Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils Chantel Hutnan

The best way to purchase doTERRA essential oils and products?

I am going to take you through the best way to purchase your oils and try to make this nice and simple so you understand what it is you are "signing up for". Signing up can be scary, so let me make this as transparent as possible. 

I recently realised that I never actually told you guys how to get your hands on these amazing doTERRA's essential oils and join this oily love affair with me (my bad!). And just in case you have no idea why I am talking about essential oils and if I've turned into an oil sniffing hippy, you can head over and read this blog, about why I feel passionate about using essential oils and choose to share them with those who are curious.

I am going to take you through the best way to purchase your oils and try to make this nice and simple so you understand what it is you are "signing up for". Signing up can be scary, so let me make this as transparent as possible. 

In the name of transparency, please be warned - these oils may very well change your life physically, emotionally & even financially if you so desire. And you may need to eventually invest in a few of these storage boxes... remember, I warned you here first. 


Ok, so first and foremost you can purchase these oils at RETAIL price or WHOLESALE price. I personally cannot think of a good reason to pay retail, once you understand how to purchase them at wholesale. 

Becoming a wholesale member and or a wellness advocate:

  • Access to the oils at 25% off the retail price

  • No lock in commitment to purchase

  • Eligible for the monthly Loyalty Reward Program to receive 10–30% of your orders back in points redeemable for FREE product (the best way to purchase products and build your oil and /or product collection)

  • Shipping Reward Points: Option to receive the cost of your shipping back in points redeemable for free product

  • Eligible for the FREE product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month

  • Renewal Fee "Covered": After becoming a Wholesale Member, the yearly renewal fee for a wholesale membership is $25.00. This renewal fee comes with a free bottle of Peppermint, one of the most popular oils dōTERRA offers, a retail value of $27.33. So you practically renew you wholesale membership for FREE.

  • Continued one on one support, with myself. Including a free initial wellness consult to help determine the right oils to support your needs and get you set up with an accounting hassle free

  • A free catch up, again, once your oils have arrived to make sure you know how to use them and get the best out of them.

  • Access to an exclusive/private FB group so that you can feel comfortable to ask questions about anything that you are confused or worried about, share experiences, tips, and get ideas from other like-minded people.

In addition to all of the above a WELLNESS ADVOCATE membership (this is what I have) gives you access to the following:

  • Bonuses & Compensation: dōTERRA provides a business opportunity for those interested in creating an income. This may not be your intention (it certainly wasn't mine) but doTERRA has been super generous and made it very easy to be rewarded for sharing the oils with others. Through passion, dedication, and love this can be a very sustainable business. My advice, don't rule it out, even if you feel like it isn't an option right now. There is no disadvantage of keeping this door open.

  • Personal Website: Receive a personal website that can be used if you would like to share essential oils with others.

In my experience, once people have experienced the oils they almost always want to reorder more. Setting up a wholesale/wellness membership account is the easiest way to get what you want when you want it at a significantly reduced price, grow your collection, get freebies and potentially earn some money by sharing it with your loved ones, friends and colleagues. 

Worried you won't fall in love or know how to use the oils?

I assure you, neither will happen. But just to reassure you, you can cancel your membership anytime, no fee applied. As for the second concern, it is my job to make sure you are confident with every oil. There are SO many supportive resources to ensure you get the most out of your oils that I will share with you. Plus you have access to me whenever you need via the FB group. 

How to set up your wholesale/wellness advocate account?

There are two options:

1. Pay an initial Introductory membership fee of $AU35 to allow you access to wholesale prices (minimum of 25% discount) and have your very own online shopping account where you can purchase your oils, blends, products whenever you need. To keep your wholesale pricing you need to order a minimum of 1 product per year. Lemon oil is $13.50 so should be pretty achievable. 

2. Purchase an enrollment kit and your membership fee is waived. The kits are valued significantly cheaper than if you were to purchase the oils individually. Allowing you access to a diversity of oils at a much more affordable price. ****This is how I signed up and this is what I would recommend. 

Check out the enrollment AUS kits here and the US kits here if you have any questions please reach out at


Ok, hopefully, you are still with me?

Here are the next steps to join me in this oily joining... 

1. Click this link

2. Click “Join and Save” up the top

3. Choose your language and country

4. Choose where you would like your products shipped from (obviously the closest to you)

5. Choose Wholesale Customer

6. Enter your contact and shipping info

7. At Enroller ID, if it’s not here already, enter my number: 4763919

8. Hit submit

9. Select your wholesale starter kit ***  (click here to see all AUS starter kits , click here for US starter kits) OR click “Introductory packet  AU$35” (this is your membership, ignore if you have selected a kit)

10. Create your custom order (click your cursor where it says search additional products and type your product) and select your products (click THIS ONE for AUS products and THIS ONE for US to have a little look through all of the wonderful products you can get your hands on, and then click HERE to check out the prices). ***

11. Enter your payment information and then click “Process Order Now and Continue”

Ok, that’s it, you have made it. If you haven't made and you are on struggle street then please reach out and I will take care of this part for you. 

Immediately after signing up, a confirmation email from dōTERRA will be delivered to your email (and to me), with your wholesale membership number.  You will then be able to log in and manage your orders from your very own online shopping account. 

We will then set up a time to go over everything once your oils arrive. In addition, you will receive a series of support emails from myself over the coming weeks (I promise I won't overload you) with lots of information and resources to guide you and get you started. 

A final note on the Loyalty Rewards Program.

As you begin to fall in love with your oils over the coming months, you may very well be excited to get your hands on some more.


Not to mention doTERRA also have an incredible supplement range that you can check out in your back office as well as everyday products like toothpaste, laundry wash, skin care products, lip balms, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant and more that are free of chemical crap that you may usually buy at the supermarket. 

Setting up your Loyalty Rewards Programs allows you to earn free product points and free shipping points with every purchase. Every doTERRA product has a product point value. These product points increase every 3 months from 10% to 30% at 12 months. This method is truly the most cost-effective way to build your oil collection and take advantage of the amazing offers that doTERRA host every month, like the FREE product of the month with any order over 125PV.

I hope this is helpful and if you still have questions then please reach out. I know I was super confused when I started, so please get clarity so you are confident with your products, because they really are worth the investment. 



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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan

Me + doTERRA - Why this is important to me.

I am really LOVING learning, using and sharing these beautiful gifts from the Earth. I mean like "really".  To the point of can't get enough ie. staying up late reading about them, learning more about the company, reading more about the business side of it, buying more and more oils and products, giving family and friends oils and oil blends, making products, drinking them in mineral water, cooking with them etc. 

Most of you will know that I have been using doTERRA essential oils for the last 8 months or so and have been posting about my oily love on social media and the like. I also recently ran my first essential oils workshop in Airlie Beach!

Thank you to all those who came and supporting us.

Thank you to all those who came and supporting us.

I am really LOVING learning, using and sharing these beautiful gifts from the Earth. I mean like "really".  To the point of can't get enough ie. staying up late reading about them, learning more about the company, reading more about the business side of it, buying more and more oils and products, giving family and friends oils and oil blends, making products, drinking them in mineral water, cooking with them etc. 

* Cool story (well I think it's cool) that I wished I had taken pictures off. When I went home for Christmas my step-dad who has very easily irritated skin and a slightly compromised immune system making him very prone to rashes and infections had a nasty itchy, red, inflamed rashed on his leg and chest that he had been applying hydrocortisone to for a few days to control the itch. I made him up a tea tree + lavender + Frank in coconut oil mixture and got him to apply it regularly and we watched it somewhat magically disappear over a few days. It is results like this that allow people to see the power of these incredible compounds. Needless to say Mum now has the Home Essentials Kit. 

But in all honesty, I have been holding myself back from sharing all this with you, out of fear of being seen as just "another" doTERRA/Young Living/essential oil/pyramid marketer/annoying salesperson.

Hence, why I think it is best that one, I am honest to myself about my intentions, with what I am doing and, two, I am honest with all of you so you know my intentions. 

This year I am going to pursue this passion and see where it takes me. Whilst for some of you that may be annoying (just another person posting about oils) I still very much intend to keep a holistic perspective on health and share other content aligned with my philosophy on health that I know will be useful. I have created a separate email list of people who are in my tribe of oil lovers and a separate FB group so that I am not too annoying if you "just aren't that into it". 

For others, my hope is that this will be exciting and spark your curiosity into the oils, as it did me as I learned more and more about there properties. 

What are these amazing properties I speak of? Well, I am glad you asked!

  • Essential oils are natural, aromatic, compounds and volatile liquids (easily evaporated at normal temperature) extracted from the seeds, roots, bark, stems, leaves, flowers, resins and other parts of plants.

  • They’re what give herbs, flowers, and fruits their distinctive scents.

  • For several thousand years, people all over the world have been extracting these oils using methods such as steam distillation, cold pressing, resin tapping, or absolute extraction.

  • Essential oils aren’t there by accident, or just because a flower decided to smell nice. The chemical components help the plants function and fight pathogens, disease, and stress.

  • For instance, these components can:

    • act as chemical messengers and hormones;

    • protect the plant from bacteria, fungi, and viruses; and

    • protect the plant from environmental stressors such as heat.

    • These active compounds are such small molecules that humans can easily absorb them through the skin, nasal passages, lungs, and digestive system.

  • The chemical makeup of essential oils is very complex and may consist of hundreds of distinct chemical compounds.

  • For example, peppermint has more than 40 known constituents. (And probably a bunch of unknown ones). It’s been shown to: soothe the digestive system, relax tight muscles, be mentally and physically stimulating, and helps lower blood lactate levels during exercise.

  • Essential oils have been used extensively throughout recorded history for medicinal and ritual purposes, psychological, social reasons, food preparation, beautification and even as currency.

So they sound pretty great, right? But one of my primary concerns for me was...

If we are extracting all these wonderful oils and selling them in a multi-level marketing way, won't we run out? Is this sustainable? 

This is just a little FYI before I get to the above concern. Guess what industry that uses essential oils consumes the highest volume of essential oils in the world? 

a). perfume industry

b). food and beverage

c). network marketing

d). the cleaning industry 

The answer is b). food and beverage industry. (Had I not known the answer I would have said c). Network marketing which is actually the lowest consuming. 

One of the many amazing things about doTERRA as a business is their model of co-impact sourcing. With over 100 different oils on offer doTERRA source their oils from over 40 different countries, of which over half are from developing countries. 

"Co-Impact Sourcing is an initiative that seeks to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas. doTERRA is committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers by providing on-time payments at fair prices. Growers and harvesters are encouraged to form cooperative groups to share collective benefits and bargaining power while improving skills and capacity. " From

This type of on the ground partnership means that care is taken at every step of the way to ensure we the consumers receive the highest quality oils as well as ensuring that the growing, harvesting, workers and community is taken care of to ensure the process can continue to thrive and benefit both parties.

You can read more about this here. 

Why doTERRA?

There seems to be a bit of heated debate about which company is the better company. Quite honestly I really haven't dived deep into this. I just happened to go with doTERRA but I have numerous friends/colleagues who use Young Living products and are equally passionate about the product and company. So this is less important to me. I happened to align myself with doTERRA and to date, I am so happy that I did. Their business model is extremely generous, their products are of the highest quality, their support is second to none, the women who are a part of the community are passionate and inspiring, they seem to have peoples best interest at heart, so it feels right and good for me! 

You can read more about their Healing Hands Foundation work here, I highly suggest you check out this video

How and why I essential oils to support my health and others?

Probably the biggest realisation I have had on this whole wellness journey with myself and through working with clients is that as women, the emotions that we encounter on a day to day basis within ourselves is a biggest determinate of our health status even more than the food we eat or the amount of exercise we do.

Emotions result from the stories and perceptions that we (our brains) create. When we carry with us on a daily basis negative stories and perceptions this causes physiological changes in our bodies which present as hormone imbalance, gut issues, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, infertility and more. 

I see essential oils as one of the easiest, cheapest, most effective tools to support women and negate the harmful effects of this. Stay with me.

When you emit these volatile compounds to the air through diffusing or simply opening the bottle, thousands of different chemicals interact with millions of nerve cell receptors in our nose. Once bound to the olfactory nerves, these odor molecules travel, become intensified, and eventually send an impulse to the limbic system in the brain. The limbic system is a complex set of structures in the brain that regulate endocrine (hormone) and nervous systems and is responsible for controlling memory, emotions, learning, instinct, motivation, influence sleep, libido, appetite, blood pressure, heart rate, stress levels, and hormone balance.

In response to these different chemical odors, the limbic system initiates physiological changes in the body by releasing hormones, chemicals, and neurotransmitters that influence so many aspects of health including relaxation and a sense of wellbeing that eventually modifies one's emotions and behaviors and generates memories that cause profound physiological responses.    

To me, this is absolutely incredible. And without oil users, in particular women, intentionally knowing that this is going on, it is, for this reason, I believe there is a crusade of happier, joyous, hormonally improved women obsessed with essential oils. 



Beyond this, here are some other main reasons why I use them:

  • To replace many of the synthetic chemical laden personal care, cleaning products from my home that can disrupt hormones and contribute to toxins in our bodies

  • As natural first aid treatments for minor ailments eg. on guard to ward of viruses, lavender and tea tree for bites, cuts and grazes, peppermint for fever, lavender + frank for sunburn, digestzen for stomach upset and so much more.

  • To add incredible flavour to cooking. Peppermint + chocolate or wild orange + chocolate is EPIC.

  • To enhance support for certain areas in the body as a part of a greater wellness protocol eg. Clary sage has been shown to reduce cortisol levels by 36% and improve thyroid markers ( Wild orange reduced depressive symptoms better than Prozac according to a clinical trial in 150 adults with major depressive disorder (Evidence-Based Essential Oil Therapy 2015).

  • They are practically absent from side effects

  • They save you money over time due to their potency and wide range of applications

  • They SMELL amazing and make me FEEL like a goddess.

In Summary... 

I am a doTERRA Wellness advocate. I am a part of a Team of amazing women who have found love in the product and who also want to share these gift with others. I also have my own team who are a part of this larger team. I would be doing myself and my team a disservice if I am to remain small out of fear of being judged for being a part of something that I actually really LOVE and have found to be essential to my health and wellbeing and can see how beneficial it can be to other women's health and well-being.  

Are you currently using essential oils? If so what do YOU love most about them? How have they helped you? Hit reply or comment below, I would really love to know. 

If you are interested in taking charge of your health in 2018 and want to address it by understanding the root of your problems and address it holistically using simple nutrition and lifestyle strategies (and essential oils), then I am currently taking a small number of new clients.

To learn more about how I work please head to Or if you are intrigued to learn more about doTERRA essential oils, then please reach out. 

Remember that heath is never a final destination, it requires a commitment to self to do the little things, that add up to big things and allow you to show up as the best version of yourself to this world and those around you. 



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Chantel Hutnan Chantel Hutnan


When it comes to business, optimising systems within a business, is a key way to yield greater efficiency and reduce potentially painful and costly mistakes in the long term. 

When it comes to business, optimising systems within a business, is a key way to yield greater efficiency and reduce potentially painful and costly mistakes in the long term. 

Initially, there may be an upfront investment, changes to be made, old habits to be replaced with new ones and a period of discomfort until automation and seamless integration takes over. But you are committed, as you know the long term results will pay off for you - automation, low maintenance, less money spent over the long term and more time spent to do the things you love.

We all know the feeling of working with a well integrated, optimised system right? - You have Apple products don't you  ;).  Working within an organisation with well functioning system allows for greater moments of growth, expansion, satisfaction, joy and happiness as things feel easier more effortless.

The same is true when systems in the body are well functioning and optimised. Each body is made up of multiple systems that come together to create one very unique organisation, you. As it relates to entrepreneuralism / leadership / business ownership one of the key systems in the body that we want to optimise and ensure it functions well for as long as possible is the nervous system and in particular the brain.  After all it was probably your process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through your unique thought, experience, and the senses (which  is the definition of cognition) that got you where you are today. Mixed in with passion, determination and hard work of course.

But more than it getting you where you are today, maintaining high levels of focus, executive function, attention, memory, judgement, learning, creativity, decision making and social skills are all imperative for the future success of the legacy you have created within your business and the legacy that is you. 

Alarmingly though, cognitive decline and brain related illnesses are on the rise. 

  • Major brain related diseases and cognitive dysfunction cost more than physical injury and obesity combined
  • More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s today, but that number is expected to more than triple by 2050 
  • Alzheimer’s is now the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S and the second leading cause of death in Australia. 
  • Alzheimer’s kills more people than prostate and breast cancer combined 
  • According to the latest estimates, one in forty children now have autism spectrum disorder, up from just one in 500 in 1999  
  • More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined 
  • Antidepressants are the number two most prescribed class of drugs in the US 
  • and this list could sadly continue...

It was once thought that these conditions were written in our DNA and they just became our destiny. What more recent research is indicating is that many of the diseases we see today, like Alzeihmers, depression, anxiety, MS, undoubtedly do have a genetic component however whether we go on to develop one is much more largely associated with our environment and how that then interacts with our genes. Meaning that everything we have been exposed to from conception (even preconception with what our parents did), to how we are birthed, the air we breath, the food we eat, how well we sleep, the connections we have, how physically active we are and more, all contribute to our risk of developing said condition. This is exciting and important news as it means that we have a lot more control over our health than we once thought. 




As it relates to nutrition, let's take a look at 10 key nutrients to consider for optimal brain health. 

1. Omega 3 fatty acids

Long chain omega 3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA are the prodigy children of healthy fats amongst nutritionists (maybe on par with monounsaturated fats as found in avacado). No-one is arguing that these guys aren't great for brain health (and overall health). Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) makes up 35% of our brain cell membranes. It plays an important role in the growth of structures in the brain, neurotransmitter (brain chemical) release and communication between neurons. It is especially important for growing healthy brains as a change in the composition in infants is associated with children who have reduced brain function and intelligence.

Now, because we cannot change the past, there is no point blaming our mothers for their potential omega 3 shortcomings, we can however start incorporating more seafood nights into our week.

BEST SOURCES: as it turns out the highest sources of omega 3 fatty acids are in cold water fatty fish (salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, herring, anchovies) and shellfish like oysters and mussels. If you hate seafood, it may be worth considering supplementing with a high quality fish or cod liver oil. **If you have any medical conditions or take other medications check with your medical practitioner first. 

2. Vitamin B12 

- Next up is Vitamin B12. Deficiencies in this vitamin have been associated with Alzheimer’s, dementia, cognitive decline, memory loss, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders and psychosis. So I think it is an important one to get checked on a routine annual check up. It is particularly important for the myelination (a process of producing the protective sheathing that insulates nerves) of brain and nerve fibres. It is also important for the production of neurotransmitters and has been shown to improve concentration, alertness and sleep quality.

BEST SOURCES:  Clams are the highest source, then liver, yes liver, think delicious duck pate if you have too. Followed by oysters, mackerel, herring, mussels, crab, sardines and salmon. If you really aren't into seafood, muscle meat like quality beef, lamb and poultry do contain B12 but much less than in organ meats.

**Note there are no plant sources of vitamin B12, so if you don't eat animal products this is a key nutrient to get checked and supplement with.

Embracing the whole "nose to tail", "eat the whole animal", "The Revenant with Leo DiCaprio knows best (there is a reason why when they killed that beast he went straight for the liver to eat" concepts and incorporating more odd bits (especially liver) into your routine is a great way to ensure you get Vitamin B12 and loads of other nutrients as we will continue to see. If you just aren't that into liver you may consider a supplemental form of freeze dried liver. It comes in a capsule or as a powder you can add to meals. 

3. Choline

- Never heard of it? That's ok, it's been slightly overlooked. But when it comes to brain it plays an important role in memory enhancement (in particular the laying down on long term memory), attention and protection against neurotoxicity. 

BEST SOURCES:  include our new friend liver (chicken & beef) and egg yolk (no more egg white omelettes). 

4. Iron

A pretty important nutrient in the body. However, too much is bad, too little is bad. It's all about the "Just Right" - not the cereal variety but the Goldilocks lesson! Therefore getting your iron levels checked is also a good idea. 

Iron is important for the delivery of oxygen to the brain and plays an important role in neuronal processes. Deficiencies are associated with learning and memory impairment.

BEST SOURCES:  you guessed it, liver again! I told you, lots and lots of good stuff in there. If your still skeptical clams and oysters are up there too. Haem-iron is the form found in animal foods and is more readily absorbed than non-haem iron found in plants. I thought you might like to know, that alcohol improves the absorption of iron. So maybe a glass of red wine with pate for entree is not a bad combination? (unless you have Haemochromotosis whereby you produce too much iron, then please stay away from the pate and oysters).  

5. Vitamin D

King of the all important vitamins. Often referred to as a "hormone like vitamin" due to it's very extensive list of jobs in the body, like activating genes that release all important brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin (associated with feeling pleasure and happiness). Vitamin D also appears to be important for preserving cognitive function as we age. Best to get it checked out too. 

BEST SOURCES: poolside baby! Sunlight, at the right time of course and again a goldilocks amount of just right. Other sourses include: high quality cod liver oil, egg yolks, cold water fatty fish (as above for omega 3 fatty acids). 



6. Healthy Fats

The human brain is made up of 60% fat. Getting a mixed fat intake is optimal for brain health. Medium-chain triglyceride and beta-hydroxybutyrate, which are found in coconut oil and butter, can improve cognitive function in older adults with memory disorders like Alzheimer’s.

Monounsaturated fat increases the production of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that increases blood flow to the brain. Cholesterol is a component of the myelin sheath, that insulates nerves.  And as mentioned above omega 3 fatty acids are really key to optimal brain health 

BEST SOURCES: Including a variety of healthy fats from whole food sources like that found in coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds, seafood, grass fed meat, eggs, grass fed butter and avocado is key. 

7. Protein

Protein that we eat is broken down into amino acids (AA). Neurotransmitters are created from amino acids. Therefore to little protein can exacerbate mood disorders, especially if the diet is not containing all of the essential amino acids. Hence, getting protein from a variety of different foods is really key again. 

BEST SOURCES: Fish, poultry, grass fed meat, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds, bone broth, and good quality protein powder should cut it.

8. Whole food Carbohydrates 

Provide glucose to the brain to be used as fuel for function and a host of plant nutrients that act as antioxidants as well as fibre which is very important for maintaining healthy gut microbes, which as you will soon see are key for brain health too.

TIP: Try adding in different coloured fruits and vegetables throughout your day. That way you can be sure to get all the unique benefits found within them. Aim for a rainbow assortment of fruit and veg each day!

9. Probiotic and Prebiotics

The gut has been referred to as the second brain. The gut and the brain are a part of a unified central nervous system (via the vagus nerve) that communicates back and forth to each other. Most of us know the feeling of butterflies in our stomach when we are nervous or excited or that quick trip to the toilet prior to a presentation.

But what most people don't realise is while the brain communicates to the gut 10% of the time the other 90% of the time the gut it communicating to the brain. 

PRO-BIOTIC SOURCE:  ensure you have a diversity of beneficial bacteria in your gut. This can be achieved by regular consumptions of fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria and yeast like sauerkraut, kimchi, yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, beet kvass or by taking a high quality, multi-strain probiotic. 

PRE-BIOTIC SOURCE: The bacteria then need to be fed. So next time you do the shopping give the little guys some thought. Trust me,  if you have their back they will have yours ten fold. This can be achieved by consuming foods that have pre-biotic fibres such as onion, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus, radish, kiwi, carrots, tomatoes and leeks. Or adding in fibres like psyllium husk, acacia fibre, green banana flour, cooked and cooled white rice/potato's. 

10. And finally VITAMIN N

Haven't heard of this one either? That is OK,  I made it up as there are so many more nutrients that support brain health that this post could continue for a long time. Vitamin N is for Nature. Getting outside in nature will do wonders for your brain health. Beyond the Vitamin D benefits getting out in nature also simulates the release of feel good brain chemicals like serotonin. It also connects you to the bigger picture and allows for greater creativity. 

Ok, well that turned out to be a little longer than anticipated. If you have made it all the way to the end, congratulations, your attention span is impressive and with the above tips I hope your investment into your cognitive health only gets better and better. 

 I cannot wait to experience all this goodness with you guys soon.  

 I cannot wait to experience all this goodness with you guys soon.  


Love Chantel 


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Gut health Chantel Hutnan Gut health Chantel Hutnan

Here's a quick guide to heal your gut lining

The primary role of this barrier system is to allow nutrients to enter through into the blood stream and to prevent toxins, and large food molecules from making there way into the body. Picture it like a gatekeeper - letting the good in and keeping the bad out. 

Are you like me and a bit behind the eight ball with your gummy making? Not even sure what I'm talking about?  I'm referring to the cute little LolLols, made from quality gelatin powders (like Great Lake Gelatin or I Quit Sugar's Gelatin) , getting around on social, mostly targeting a healthy lolly substitute or snack for kids. 

Here's what I'm talking about....

Cute right? Doesn't it make you want to eat a dinosaur? Image from

Cute right? Doesn't it make you want to eat a dinosaur? Image from

After my little bout of gastro (thankfully only lasting 24 hours) I needed to focus my attention to supporting my intestinal lining and calming down some inflammation. 

What does a bout of stomach flu do to the intestinal lining?

It is important to remember that our whole gut is really a hollow tube that starts in our mouths and finishes at our bottoms. So anything that is inside our gut is technically still outside of our body. Kind of cool right? 

Infections - be it viral, bacterial or parasitic can damage the integrity of our gut barrier system. 

The primary role of this barrier system is to allow nutrients to enter through into the blood stream and to prevent toxins, and large food molecules from making there way into the body. Picture it like a gatekeeper - letting the good in and keeping the bad out. 

Other ways the gut barrier can become more permeable:

  • In people who have celiac disease of non celiac gluten sensitivity that consume gluten 
  • A diet high in sugar, flour and seed oils 
  • Small Intestinal Bowel Overgrowth (SIBO) 
  • Chronic stress
  • Excess alcohol
  • Certain medications (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), aspirin, antibiotics, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs))
  • Environmental toxins like BPA, heavy metals

If the gut barrier becomes too permeable or “too leaky” this allows pathogens, toxins and large food molecules, to get through that shouldn’t into the blood stream. The body sees this as a threat and stimulates an immune response against them. This process of activating an immune response overtime is a source of low grade inflammation in our body. This can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions, skin issues, obesity and depression. 

Therefore calming inflammation and supporting the intestinal lining back to tip top shape is SUPER important.

Cue Gelatin Gummy Bears (or hearts in this case)!!!!!!

How to:

1. Consume gelatin powder or bone broths that contain gelatin, which is the by-product of simmering collagen. 

  • Gelatin absorbs water (that’s why it makes things thick and jell-o) and helps maintain the layer of mucus that lines our intestinal barrier. 
  • Gelatin and glycine (an amino acid found in collagen) have been shown to reduce inflammation 
  • Glutamine, another amino acid found in bone broth, helps to maintain the integrity of the intestinal barrier 

You can find the recipe I used over at

2. Take a multi-strain probiotic. There has no doubt been alterations made to your microbiome. Therefore giving it an extra boost or dose of beneficial bacteria is a good idea. Much like a garden you want to make sure the soil is rich and diverse in order to grow healthy things (in this case belly bugs). That also means feeding them with plenty of prebiotic rich foods

3. Consider avoiding gluten and dairy, until things feel back on track ie. stool frequency and consietny is normal, no cramps, no pain, no bloating etc. These contain larger proteins can trigger an immune response if the gut is more permeable. 

4. Rehydrate. Add a quarter of a teaspoon of salt  to your water bottle. With a squeeze of lemon for good taste and drink up. 

5. Eat, eat and eat. Chances are you haven't felt for much food or been able to absorb many nutrients due to the increase transit time (diarrhoea). Now is the time to rebuild back up. So make sure you load up on the nutrients. You could consider taking a good quality multivitamin to help with this. I like Thorne Research or Pure encapsulations. I am currently taking doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack which has a lot more to offer than your typical multivitamin. 

Gastro does really suck. But when something beats you down the best approach is always to come back armed and even stronger. 

Please feel free to reach out if you are still struggling with your gut health. 

Love Chantel 

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Hormonal health Chantel Hutnan Hormonal health Chantel Hutnan

Struggling to get your post-pill period back?

The "Pill” is often used to treat female health problems ranging from painful or irregular periods, acne, PCOS, peri-menopause, hormone imbalance, and of course prevention of unintended pregnancy. 

It is so universally accepted that most women never stop to ask: 1. How does the pill work and 2.  What impact is it having on my own hormone production? Chances are if you have ever stopped to ask this question to your doctor, you come off looking like a crazy person in need of some “hormone balancing”. 

But I think they are valid question that we as women should be asking. Why don't men take contraceptive pills?

The "Pill” is often used to treat female health problems ranging from painful or irregular periods, acne, PCOS, peri-menopause, hormone imbalance, and of course prevention of unintended pregnancy. 

It is so universally accepted that most women never stop to ask: 1. How does the pill work and 2.  What impact is it having on my own hormone production? Chances are if you have ever stopped to ask this question to your doctor, you come off looking like a crazy person in need of some “hormone balancing”. 

But I think they are valid question that we as women should be asking. Why don't men take contraceptive pills? There are certainly medications that can inhibit testosterone and sperm production. However, I am not too sure if low sex drive and depression as side effects would convince any man.. 

So is the pill actually treating these female conditions AND is its impact on our health as harmless as it seems?

This is what I asked myself about 5 years ago, after being on it for over 10 years. You might be surprised by what I learnt to these two questions.


The oral contraceptive pill is the most commonly used form of contraception amongst females of reproductive age. In the case of combined oral contraceptive pills (COC), they contain a synthetic progestin (eg. levonorgestrel, dienogest, drospirenone) and a synthetic oestrogen (ethinyloestradiol). In the case of the mini pill, or progesterone only pill, it contains just that a progestin like levonorgestrel or norethisterone. 

The plethora of different COC pills (eg. Yasmin, Laila, Levlen, Yaz) usually reflects the different progestin combination with ethinyloestradiol. These different progestins have different properties and hence some are chosen for more specific purposes. Eg. cyproterone has greater anti-androgenic properties meaning that it suppresses androgen production more strongly and is often used in conditions associated with greater androgen production like acne, PCOS.

How does the pill work?

Before I answer this question let’s do a little dive (apologise it turned out to be a "not so little" dive. Feel free to skip ahead to the summary) into the complex world of female hormone secretion that occurs during the ovarian cycle. 

So that we are all on the same page let’s simplify some terminology and get some perspective happening.

Meet ….. 

The hypothalamus = Think of this guy as the big brother to the soon to be introduced pituitary gland. Located in the brain, he is the controller. His primary goal is to maintain homeostasis in the body. He gets messages and feedback from hormones and the nervous system and speaks to the pituitary gland. The function of the hypothalamus is to secrete releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones that stimulate or inhibit production of hormones in the anterior pituitary. P.S. The only thing making him male is me. 


The anterior pituitary = is also located up stairs in the brain and is responsible for secreting hormones that communicate to other endocrine = hormone producing glands that regulate a wide variety of body functions, including the release of sex hormones from the ovaries. 

Now that we have some basic understanding of the who’s who in this hormone regulating world let's have a look at the complex interaction of hormones at play during our cycle.

Use this visual to guide you. 


  1. On day 1 of the cycle (this corresponds with the first day of menstruation), rising levels of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus stimulates an increase in the production of Luteinising Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) by the anterior pituitary. 
  2. FSH and LH stimulate follicle growth and maturation in the ovaries and oestrogen secretion. As the follicles enlarge they produce more oestrogen within the ovaries.
  3. The rising oestrogen levels in blood exert a negative feedback (that is an inhibitory effect) on the anterior pituitary, inhibiting the release of FSH and LH, while simultaneously, prodding it to synthesise and accumulate FSH and LH. Within the ovary, oestrogen output continues to rise. 
  4. Although the initial rise in oestrogen inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, high oestrogen levels have the opposite effect. Once oestrogen reaches a “critical” blood level it exerts positive feedback on the brain. 
  5. The high oestrogen levels sets a cascade of events into place. There is a burst like release of accumulated LH (and to a lesser extent FSH) by the anterior pituitary about mid cycle (ovulation). 
  6. This LH triggers ovulation at or around day 14. Whatever the mechanism blood stops flowing through the protruding part of the follicle wall and within 5 minutes, that region of the follicle wall bulges out, thins and then ruptures. Shortly after ovulation, oestrogen levels decline (probably reflecting the damage to the dominant oestrogen secreting follicle during ovulation)
  7. The LH surge also transforms the ruptured follicle into the corpus luteum, and stimulates this newly formed endocrine gland to produce progesterone and oestrogen almost immediately after it is formed.
  8. Rising progesterone and oestrogen blood levels exert a powerful negative feedback effect on the anterior pituitary release of FSH and LH. The corpus luteum also releases inhibin (a hormone) which enhances this inhibitory effect. Declining levels of FSH and LH inhibit the development of new follicles and prevent additional LH surges that might cause additional eggs to be ovulated. 
  9. As LH levels fall, the stimulus for luteal activity ends, and the corpus luteum breaks down. As goes the corpus luteum so do the levels of oestrogen and progesterone. 
  10. This sharp drop at the end of the cycle (days 26 to 28) end their blockade of FSH and LH, and the cycle starts again. 

Pretty full on right?! And guess what? That’s only half the story. These hormones also exert their effects on the uterus lining (endometrium) and affect a whole host of other bodily functions. 

In case your getting caught up in the numbers and the days, a normal menstrual cycle length is anywhere from 28 to 35 days and is compromised of 3 main phases. 

1. Follicular phase. This starts on the first day of bleeding and can last for 7 to 21 days 

2. Ovulation. This lasts for 1 day. Yep 1 day!!! 

3. Luteal phase. Which should last exactly 14 days. 

Ok so to go back and answer the original question which in case you had forgotten was how does the pill work, well quite simple, it inhibits all of the above. 

The pill delivers a constant does of oestrogen and progesterone like compounds into the blood for usually 21 days thereby sending a message to the pituitary to inhibit the release of FSH and LH. The inhibition of these hormones prevents the development of follicles and the mid-cycle surge of LH and ovulation. Hence, there is no egg to be fertilised ergo preventing pregnancy from occurring.

That means, often women take a decade or more of synthetic hormones all to prevent this one day a month from occurring. Now I am not saying that the pill isn't a good idea at times for some people. I am all for giving people informed consent and letting them decide what is best for their life. I am just alluding to the idea that there may also be other options. 

The pill bleeds that occurs when you stop the active pills are not the same as natural menstruation. The abrupt withdrawal of the synthetic oestrogen and mostly the withdrawal from the progestin induces a withdrawal bleed. They have been coordinated into a 28 day pattern to seem natural however they could just as easily be every 55 days (or any arbitrary number) if formulated that way. 

The intricate cyclical mechanism described above, simple does not occur when you are on the on the pill. Let me repeat, if you are taking hormonal contraception and it is doing its job then you don’t ovulate and you don't have a natural period. 

Why might this be a problem?

The big overarching problem to me is that the pill makes our natural, biological menstrual rhythm obsolete. Human biology organises it’s structures to achieve rhythm (eg. heart beat, circadian rhythm, etc). The natural hormonal signals, that are mapped to our monthly cycle rhythm, are critical to female health. If we lose this rhythm we lose normalised function. Period (punt intended).

Other problems include:

  • The hormones contained in the pill are similar but not the same as your own hormones produced inside your body. Hence, their effects are not the same either. For example, ostradiol is a natural oestrogen whereas ethinyloestradiol is a synthetic oestrogen. Progestins are a group of molecules similar to pregesterone but are not the same as natural progesterone. 
  • Our sex hormones don’t just effect our period and fertility. The affect other important areas in our body. 
    • Mood: oestrogen has a mood boosting effect through it’s influence on serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine release. Progesterone acts as your natural anti-anxiety hormone via it’s effects on stimulating GABA
    • Metabolism: Oestradiol positively affects how insulin works in our body and therefore helps us to convert food into energy. Progesterone influences thyroid function and increases metabolic rate. 
    • Healthy bones: oestrogen stimulates bone formation and prevents its breakdown
  • When you stop the pill your natural cyclical production and communication between your brain and ovaries needs to be established. This can happen quickly and effortlessly for some and more often than not women feel better, have improved mood, less headaches and find it easier to lose weight.  
  • However, for others this can take some time and the length of time depends on so many other factors including: your hormonal status before you went on the pill, how long you have been on it, your nutritional status, liver health, gut health and more. 
  • During this time you are not getting the effects from the synthetic hormones nor your own natural hormones. This can leave a gal feeling pretty shitty. Symptoms can include:
    • Think a flare in sebum production resulting in working skin (sometimes enough to make you question if coming off it is worth it)
    • A surge in androgens (think testosterone) which if you had PCOS beforehand this can flare symptoms up
    • No ovulation and hence non of the positive effects of oestrogen and progesterone
    • Painful PMS symptoms 
  • If you were placed on the pill for a medical reason, and the underlying causes were never addressed, then this medical condition is likely to recur once stopping. 
  • Not only does the pill suppress ovulation, it also suppresses testosterone production. As you may already be aware of, testosterone isn’t only important for males, it is also important for females - think libido, mood, bone health, and energy. 
  • In addition, the pill increases thyroid and sex hormone binding globulin, which bind to the available thyroid hormone and testosterone in the blood rendering them unable to do their jobs. Unfortunately, SHBG remains elevated even after stopping the pill and may never return to normal levels :(

What's a gal to do if she has come off the pill and still has no period?

  • Try not to panic, it can take some time. However, also don't be complacent. Whilst it might seem like a nice idea to not have a period for a year, the reality is, that your period and your ability to ovulate each month is a sign of not just good fertility but also good health. Remember these hormones don't just benefit fertility but also a host of other things in your body. 
  • Ask yourself, what were your periods like before you went on the contraceptive pill? If you never had a regular or proper period before you went on the pill, then the likelihood of the pill being the cause of your lack of period now is low. You will need to work with a doctor or practitioner to establish the underlying cause of your irregular or absent periods.
  • If on the other hand you had normal periods, you may be experiencing a type of post pill ammenhorea or post pill PCOS. Both of these conditions are rarely treated unless fertility is the goal, which in my opinion is simply not good enough. Regardless of whether having a baby is our priority, all women should have the right to optimal hormone balance, don't you think?

I hope this provides you with “the other side of the story” so that you can make an informed decision and appropriate action for your own health. 

Reestablishing a healthy monthly hormonal flow can do wonders to your physical and mental health. If you need help getting your post pill period back, then please reach out.

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