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Essential Oils, Health Chantel Hutnan Essential Oils, Health Chantel Hutnan

It's all about the Frankincense!

My whole love affair, of essential oils, started out with just one oil, Frankincense.

I’d come across him and had started reading up on him in Pubmed, after hearing some pretty incredible stories of recovery from certain illnesses, on various integrative channels, at the time (4 years ago now).

After my research I remember thinking, he sounds like a good guy to have around. Fast forward a few months later, I was sniffing him with a friend, asking how much?

My whole love affair, of essential oils, started out with just one oil, Frankincense.

I’d come across him and had started reading up on him in Pubmed, after hearing some pretty incredible stories of recovery from certain illnesses, on various integrative channels, at the time (4 years ago now).

After my research I remember thinking, he sounds like a good guy to have around. Fast forward a few months later, I was sniffing him with a friend, asking how much? For anyone who’s purchased pure Frankincense, you’ll know, he’s not the cheapest guy to have around. But fast forward 4 years laters, and several bottles of Frank later, I’ve come to appreciate, he’s worth every drop! And this month only, he’s FREE.

And he’s super versatile too.

Ok, let me back up, in case a few of you are like, Frank-in-stein, who?

What is Frankincense?


Doterra Frankincense essential oil comes from the Boswellia sacra tree from Oman, Boswellia carterii and frereana trees from Somaliland and Bosweliia papyrifera trees from Ethiopia. Frankincense trees are survivors. They thrive in the harshest climates and are native to Ethiopia, northern Somalia, south-western Oman, and southern Yemen.

Did you know that frankincense was the first worldwide import?

You may remember Frankincense, being one of the gifts, given to baby Jesus, from the three wise men - Frankincense, Myrrh (essential oil, too) and Gold. Frankincense, at the time, considered more valuable than gold, was also used during religious ceremonies for salves for soothing skin and perfume (we’ll see why, soon enough) and for the most scared of practices (again, keep reading).

Just as in its treasured past, Frankincense oil is highly valued in the doTERRA community and continues to be one of the most popular essential oils. It’s sourcing is incredibly unique. doTERRA have disrupted the Frankincense trade and industry with their pursuit for sustainable practices in the harvest of pure Frankincense, that ensure these magnificent ancient trees are cared for and the longterm support of the communities that deliver this raw material to the world.

Still, what is Frankincense, exactly?

Frankincense oil is produced from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree. The resin of a tree is a sap-like substance with a high viscosity. When doTERRA obtains the resin from the trees (trees that have been passed down from father to son for generations), the trees are carefully scored five times (only once per year) or “bled” with precision (allowing for a shallow score) . This emits a large amount of gum, that then hardens into a resin that is harvested two weeks later. The trees should then be rested for 1 year.

From there, the resin is delicately distilled and essential oils are extracted, with all the wonderful pure and potent chemical constituents that make Frankincense a versatile and very precious oil to have in our homes.

doTERRA have just partnered with farmers in Oman, to plant 20 000 baby Frankincense trees in 2020. This is so important for the future of Frankincense as it’s continued supply requires that the harvesters are well educated on how to sustainably harvest so the trees stay healthy. Ashad (doTERRA’s Oman exclusive partner), is the leading authority on this topic. Thankfully the supply of our Frankincense is in good hands.

What makes Frankincense so precious?

It’s his chemistry. He’s a real charmer. With all essential oils, it’s the unique chemical profile of that oil that gives it multiple properties and uses.

Frankincense oil contains a complex mixture of monoterpenes such as alpha-pinene, Limonene, alpha-Thujene, and beta-Pinene.

The unique chemical constituents contribute to Frankincense essential oil’s renewing effects when applied topically and ability to support diverse cells in the body when taken internally.

The monoterpenes also contribute to the aromatic benefits of Frankincense essential oil, including its ability to promote relaxation and a sense of focus.

How I use my Frank (and suggested uses)

  1. In your skin care regime to promote youthful looking skin. Seriously, the best! If this is all you do, you’re welcome! Add 1-2 drops into a Jojoba/Rosehip oil and apply to face and neck, post shower. Simple and effective, and no nasty chemicals.

  2. For wound healing and scar reduction. Add to a carrier oil and apply regularly to the wound.

  3. To sooth red and irritated skin. Studies suggest that it’s the pentacyclic triterpene (steroid-like) structure of frankincense oil that contributes to its soothing effect on irritated skin.

  4. Add 1-2 drops into pure Aloe Vera gel and apply to sunburn immediately (works well with Lavender to calm the skin)

  5. For perineum support for pushing or post labour recovery: 20 drops Helichrysum + 20 drops Frankincense in 30ml of carrier. Gentle massage into perineum during crowning (Essential Midwife Ebook)

  6. For bonding with baby and oxygenation post birth. Apply, diluted (1 drop in 15-30ml of carrier oil) on babies crown and down spine, to support circulation and transfer of oxygen in the cells. (Essential Midwife ebook)

  7. Nails needing some extra love? Simply place a drop of Frank on your nail and rub it around the cuticles and edges of your fingernails to improve health and strenght

  8. Razor bumps / irritation - get the Frank out, 5 drops into fractionated coconut oil and apply.

  9. Achy , stiff joints? Try applying Frank over the affected area to soothe the discomfort (works well with Ice Blue, 10 drops each into 10ml)

  10. Feeling a little chesty or congested, add a few drops of Frank to coconut oil and apply over chest, throat and sinus to soothe, good for little ones too, just use 1 drop into 10-15mls of carrier oil.

  11. Add to immune support blend with OnGuard + Copaiba and apply to soles of feel when feeling run down

  12. Add 2-3 drops into a diffuser to calm overwhelm (blends beautifully with Lavender)

  13. Add 2-3 drops with Lavender to and Epsom salt bath and soak the stress away (perfect this time of year)

  14. Add a drop to your OnGuard toothpaste for oral hygiene

  15. Place 1-2 drops under the tongue for cellular support

  16. Inhale deeply from the bottle for stress and overwhelm

  17. Apply to temples and back of neck during breathing practice

  18. Diffuse with Rosemary + Peppermint for deep focus work and memory support

  19. Diffuse to help support feelings of calm and balance (for all those around you too)

  20. For sleep add 1-2 drops to the diffuser with lavender and apply 1-2 drops to your temples before bed

  21. From and emotional perspective - Frankincense is the Oil of Truth. It may assist in moving through feelings of abandonment, distant from father, unprotected and disconnect from your truth, and can be help to foster feelings of love, enlightenment, protection, and connected to father. Inhale directly from bottle or apply to head, forehead and behind ears.

Favourite diffuser blend with Frankincense

To nourish your brain, nervous system and hormones, make yourself a warming tea and add into the diffuser:

  • 2 drops Frankincense

  • 2 drops Bergamot

  • 2 drops Lavender

Favourite skin loving serum with Frankincense

To nourish, soothe, calm and rejuvenate, add into 30ml, and top up with jojoba/rosehip/FCO and apply to your face post shower:

  • 6 drops Frankincense

  • 3 drops Helichrysum

  • 3 drops Geranium / Lavender

  • 5 drops Sandalwood

There you have it friends, I could keep harping on about my man Frank, but just know, once he enters your life, he’s a hard one to shake.

Thankfully in the month of December, you can receive a bottle (worth $119 retail), for FREE, by simply placing a 200 point value order, in your doTERRA wholesale account. If you need help doing this, simply ask me, I am here to help you, always.

For those who don’t yet have a doTERRA wholesale account and would love to have access to these incredible oils at 25% less retail, my ongoing support and resources for getting the most out of them, and enter a lifestyle and world of health, empowerment and wellness, then head to this LINK or simply contact me at

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